MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (2014) Discussion > So why didn't they just...?

So why didn't they just...?

So why didn't the coven just PAY some willing nutjob woman to be impregnated instead of duping poor Rosemary into having a satan baby? I thought the original was way more unsettling than this one, because the oringal's satanist were everyday old people VS Parisian aristocrats that had that Hot Topic vibe to them. I just never understood the reason for even tricking Rosemary. Should have gotten some crackhead instead. Also, what made the pregnant woman jump off the balcony in the first place? Was she just super paranoid from everyone?


I agree that Parisian aristocrats was less effective. Jason Isaacs plays evil in everything. It was almost like a cartoon. I also preferred Satan being offscreen.

I guess it had to do with the ritual of having Rosemary be an inverse of Mary. She had to be an "innocent" not to mention a crackhead wouldn't create the healthiest child


Good point but I think if they went with some drugged out lady, she may have been unpredictable or they couldn’t depend on her. I think they needed someone they knew so they could keep her close to them.
