The cat

So darn cute. Wish they would show more of her. Definitely a highlight of the movie.


I just hate the way the cat made that annoying yowling. I have had several cats, none were very verbal, and when they did "meow" it was a "cute" sound. It's a movie cliché that cats constantly make ear-piercing howls all the time.

My friend who hates cats sees this and always points out "See? That's why I don't like cats!"



It's an oriental shorthair. They /do/ yowl that often and they sound like that too. I have an OSH, she was meowing right back at the TV.


Good to know, thanks for the info. Mine were all "mutts". I can see how that may annoy some folks, but if you are a lover the breed and your pet, it would be no prob. I just don't like it when people think ALL cats act like the stereotypical Halloween version, hissing, howling and spitting. The cats I owned were all sweethearts.


walesh, daphne beat me to it, but I have owned Siamese and Siamese crossbreeds, and they certainly can be very verbal.

I discovered my two domestic shorthair brothers were part-Siamese when they came home from their big operation just barely awake. Charlie went mew and fell back to sleep, Ebony was coming out of it and he had a gravel-voiced concert going in the back seat!

Good memories--well, for me.


I was wondering if anyone else would pick up on its being an OSH. Obviously, an owner would and I need hardly tell you how vocal they are. I think it's hysterical that yours was responding to the TV. Our non-OSHs didn't even acknowledge hearing it.


Lol yea my domestic kitty couldn't care less. My OSH loves watching TV with me in my arms and cuddled under the blanket. Everytime the tv cat meowed she would get all huffy about it; no other cat can be in the spotlight lol


I love cats but that cat creeped me out. His/her 'meowing' was so weird and was like nails on a chalkboard. I'm sure they chose that breed because of the creepy noises it made lol. There is no way I would own one.

"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe


I love that Kitty. Yowling, chittering, and all. :) what an exotic cutie.


I used to have a generic mutt cat I believe it was but he kind of had the tabby look. He would let out long drawn out yowls and I always thought it was hilarious. He had this velcro hair curler that my mom gave him to play with and he would carry it around in his mouth making the yowling sound. I wondered if maybe the velcro was sticking to his tongue and hurting him but he kept wanting to pick it up. Between the almost feminine sounding yowls he made and the fact he played with a curler I gave him the nickname Shirley but his real name was Stripes lol.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


I wonder what type of black cat was it,




Oriental Shorthair, i.e. non-pointed Siamese.


I used to have a generic mutt cat I believe it was but he kind of had the tabby look. He would let out long drawn out yowls and I always thought it was hilarious. He had this velcro hair curler that my mom gave him to play with and he would carry it around in his mouth making the yowling sound. I wondered if maybe the velcro was sticking to his tongue and hurting him but he kept wanting to pick it up. Between the almost feminine sounding yowls he made and the fact he played with a curler I gave him the nickname Shirley but his real name was Stripes lol.

How cute. My cat has things like that too. He throws them in the air with his mouth, almost like a girl swinging her hair. He only moans when he doesn't want my boyfriend bother him. Other than that he talks a lot but in chirpy sounds.

Always be yourself... Unless you can be Batcatt


Ok, I know this is waay off topic, but since there seem to be cat lovers reading this thread . . .

My cat used to love playing with pom-poms I made him from yarn, about the size of a Ping-Pong ball. We kept our shoes in the mud room of our house, and he would carry the pom-pom ball in his mouth and drop it in a shoe. Then he would sit quietly next to the shoe for about 30 seconds, lick a paw, glance out the window, and finally turn back to the shoe. . . OMG, there's a pom-pom in this shoe!! A POM-POM IN THIS SHOE!! And then proceed to attack the shoe, pushing the pom-pom into the toe, madly trying to get it out!! Cracked me up every time he got bored and created this game for himself!


One of my cat's (a mutt) makes those weird growly sounds, whenever he's sitting in my lap getting his head scratched or playing with the other cat.

Speaking of weird cat sounds.



guy seemed more like a turtle fan. 🐢

🎄Season's Greetings!🎄


Surely you didn't call him Shirley! ;)

I'm a Police Squad fan--could not resist!!!!!! ;)


Very cute for sure. I agree with you.


I could be wrong (since I've yet to see the second half), but I presumed the cat was added in to this remake as a "familiar," which is often employed in literature and film as a special animal companion, often with evil powers of its own, to a witch. Then again, maybe it'll just turn out to be nothing more than a pet.


The cat is the best thing in this horrible mini-series!


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!

