Really good!

I recently learned about this web-series-turned-feature-film and decided to do a blind buy on the Blu-Ray.

I'm glad I did! I grew up playing Street Fighter II and found both of the theatrical films to be jokes, but SF: Assassin's Fist felt like it was made with a lot of genuine fan love and care. They clearly didn't have a huge budget, but they did a lot with the money they did have.

The thing I most loved about it was the way it really captured the true spirit not just of the game, but also of the martial arts. This was the kind of thing that REALLY grabbed my imagination as a kid and got me obsessed with karate, kung fu, ninjas, etc.

Since the film is just all of the webisodes smashed together, it does run a bit long. And there are some parts that probably could've been trimmed to edit it down into a single movie. But overall I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to any Street Fighter fan.

Here's the trailer if you haven't seen it:
