MovieChat Forums > Man Up (2015) Discussion > Funny film but made me feel a bit queasy...

Funny film but made me feel a bit queasy afterwards

My wife and I went to see this film last night and generally enjoyed it.

Some of the scenes and dialog were genuinely very funny. I thought that performance of Lake Bell was great and Simon Peg was less annoying than usual (but I did not see the appeal to Nancy - but then I am a man).

I felt that Rory Kinnear came across as a bit desperate (the actor rather than the character Sean) - is this a career enhancing role for an acclaimed RSC star actor? I think not.

It is fair to say that my wife and I are of a more mature age and had the following reservations about the message that this film 'promotes'.

(I know it is only a film but films can influence the attitudes of the day - one can always argue whether films reflect reality or vice versa but that is a different discussion).

I thought that the film reinforced the following cultural attitudes:

*** Comments below may contain spoilers ***

1. It is fine to go off on blind dates with people who you know nothing about. You will be safe and this is a great way to find someone with similar values to you.

2. You can drink numerous beers and shots and mojitos with a complete stranger and still remain safe and apparently quite sober.

3. It is so 'romantic' to go to bed with someone within 12 hours of meeting them for the first time (as is strongly implied by the last scene of the film) and that this approach is a great way to begin a 'serious' relationship with someone you 'really care about'.

What do people think?


Blind dates are fun. Go into it with a positive attitude. Keep it light. Meeting for coffee/tea works nicely. If we're having fun then maybe continue the date over dinner.

S and lots of movies exaggerate the amount of liquor a normal person can tolerate. Movies also exaggerate how many punches a guy can take, etc. Do you get queasy when you watch Batman or Star Wars because of the violence?

Some adult couples have sex sooner than later. Nothing wrong with that if they're both into it. What works for you may not work for other people. Shocker.


Sadly, morality is almost nonexistent in younger generations today. I can understand why it made you feel uneasy. These are damaged people making a long succession of bad decisions, to the extent that they shouldn't even be considering a relationship until they get their own ducks in a row first (but they have not even an inkling of how vulgar their behaviour is).


If your response to a warm, light-hearted, good-natured movie like this is to be uptight and judgmental, you might want to just avoid rom-coms altogether and stick to Victorian period pieces.


LOL @tobridges, there's nothing victorian mate, about decency and not sticking the penis in anyone you THINK you have chemistry with. LOL. I love it when people with looser standards blithely ignore the notion of Std's and ethical moral standards. Not ignoring the spiritual reasons and how a sexual union is more than just exchanging fluids, you do know that basic science has shown that the person you have sex (for you: bone) with, you are sharing the DNA with every single person he or she has had as well?
Sex aint so nonchalant is it?


Thank you, tobridges.

It's a movie, people. You want realism, watch the National Geographic channel.

I'm not these characters and would never behave like them or do the things they do, but I thoroughly enjoyed this little film. If it's not for you, fine. But your reactions do make me wonder what sorts of films you actually enjoy. Fantasy? Not half - dragons, orcs, and monsters don't exist. Victorian period pieces, as tobridges suggests? Well, no, probably not for you either, as they have happy endings, WHICH VERY RARELY TAKE PLACE IN REAL LIFE, in which the middle class girl marries the upper class aristocrat and they have a lovely ever after. Spy films? Get real. Cop movies? Well, they may be realistic enough, but the victims in particular often become victims by making spectacularly bad choices. Comedies? Nothing is farther from reality than a comedy movie.

On second thought, forget it. Take a valium, snuggle up in your cozy robes, and go to bed. You can't be trusted to watch a movie.


Yes, of course it's fine to go off on blind dates with random people. In public places. Where you are generally safe. It's not like they went straight to his apartment.

The drinks were exaggerated for the film, and for me, that was not necessary or a good choice.

Well, it was only implied. I think it's odd they went to the toilet, but I suppose that goes for the excessive declaration of "maybe you're the one" instead of just at least having the balls to admit they liked the other person. It went from "can't get outta neutral" to "overdrive" in a New York minute.
