So Lalo's body was found?

In the last episode Saul tells Kim on the phone everyone thats dead from the ones she knew and he says "Lalo's underground apparently", does that mean his corpse was found? Or is he just assuming he's dead cause he heard theres no Salamanca's left from the news or something?


theres no Salamanca's left from the news or something?

He had heard that from Jessie in the S04 finale BB, when Saul tells Walt what Jessie told him about Gus' visit to Hector in the nursing home, when he tells him about killing Eladio & his last surviving relative being killed as well.


Saul was never completely convinced of Lalo's death the second time. Mike told Jimmy that Lalo was dead once and then he reappeared. He was told a second time by Mike and wasn't willing to take him at his word again.


Yep and still not convinced in that Waterworks Episode as when he's on the phone with Kim (as mentioned in the original post) he says:

"And why don't you turn yourself in,
seeing as how you're the one
with the guilty conscience, huh?
What, What is stopping you?
Fring's in the ground.
Mike's in the ground.
Lalo's in the ground. Apparently.
You don't have to hold back on my account.
They can only hang me once."

N.B: I'm taking the dialogue from here:
