MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Unanswered Questions About Mike

Unanswered Questions About Mike

A couple of things about Mike we've never gotten a clear explanation for:

1- when he left his job as a policeman in Philidelphia did he quit or retire? I don't think this has ever been claryfied on either show. He had been a cop for 30 years, so I can't imagine him just outright quitting (regardless of what happened with his son), and I would think he's drawing a pension.

2- His marriage. He tells Werner he was married for 22 years, but we don't learn about what ended it on either show as well. Was it death? Divorce?

Any thoughts? Theories?


Like Mike, I’ll answer any question I can, and I will also answer in true Mike fashion. As it happens, both questions have the same answer:

We all make our choices. And those choices, they put us on a road. Sometimes those choices seem small, but they put you on the road. You think about getting off. But eventually, you're back on it.



Sorry. You chose a half measure with that answer, when you should've gone all the way.

Never make that mistake again. No more half measures...........😎
