so is Olive bad or good?

i am so sorry but i am trying to understand this show. I love it so far, it is so interesting. Olive and her husband seem nuts but kind of sane too. So questions i have so far:
1. What does everyone think of Olive...completely crazy or the only one who sees things for the way they actually are and has no problem saying it (even though people dont like that)

2. Henry seems to be an actual saint but he keeps flirting with young women.he seems sort of weak but not sure if he is delusional, loves Olive, or what is with him??? opinions?

3. They seem to really love each other but in a weird way. Like Henry is delusional and acts happy but is not and Olive is too much of a realist (sees everything and everybody for who it really is but as we all know in this world, most people don't like the person who says it how it really is....this is what I find interesting as I think it reflects on our society a lot, how fake we can all be). BUT she seems to treat Henry like crap but he seems to love her or pretend to love her no matter what she does.

I know i am rambling. Great acting on this show though, just trying to understand what it is really about but totally love it! just want to hear everybody's opinions.


There is too much of Olive's background story left unexplored to really determine if she is good or bad. As another poster already said, generally speaking, no one person is quite that black and white. While I was watching the program, a line from Stephen King's Doloris Claiborne kept popping into my head..."sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive. Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hang onto." After Olive's father suicide, how much did she have to stiffen up her backbone and upper lip to survive such a crushing tragedy? And how much of her heart, her own happiness, did she have to set aside in order to do the proper thing and see her marriage through because that was how things were done in her day. Did she make Henry and Chris suffer for her inability to leave? Absolutely. But heck, Henry brought his "crush" home, and was openly flirting with her (enough to make Olive and Denise's husband uncomfortable). And Chris moped about wearing his sullen attitude on his sleeve but was never willing to speak his mind until the end. Not meaning to imply that these are good reasons for Olive's sharp tongue and unwillingness to show an ounce of warmth toward her family. I simply mean that Olive is like all people....shades of gray but seldom simply good or bad.


She's a person. Why try to pigeonhole her into good or bad? Shes a complicated woman. Brilliant performance by Frances McDormand, of course. Really liked this show a lot, wouldn't change a thing. Makes me want to read those stories.


As many of you have said, people are complex and there is not a good or bad label that fits. I don't think Olive was a "bad" person at all.. She was very straight forward, no nonsense, and a realist. She said exactly what was on her mind and her people skills were atrocious. Again, this doesn;t make her "bad"... She could be very caring in her own way..She does take time out with others who were in a bad spot. She went in to check on Rachel when she brought Kevin home. She knew Rachel suffered from suicidal tendencies and wanted to make sure Kevin would be comfortable at home.

She had a very difficult time in showing outward love for people and especially towards Henry, but there was no doubt that she loved him deeply after watching that scene at the nursing home when she finds out he is dead. It was heartbreaing to watch.


She reminded me of Delores Claiborne too.


I think Olive is a just a person...not all good or bad. But I found myself relating to her in a lot of ways. It's not easy for me to show my emotions. I love my husband and kids more than anything, but I'm not very demonstrative. The way I speak is constantly mistaken for being "rude" when I don't mean it that way at all. I don't think I'm as extreme as Olive though...I would never hit someone's child, for instance.
I'm actually really surprised that so many people see her as a mean or bad person! She cared about people as we see when she checks on her student's suicidal mother and when she talks to the boy himself as an adult. When Henry is in the nursing home she could've just left him there, but she made sure he was taken care of.
She's just very non-nonsense and blunt. I liked her.


She has a good heart. She's also mean to the people closest to her. She's flawed and won't admit she is.


Olive is a very ill person. Her illness makes her do very bad things and treat people horribly.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Didnt find anything "bad" about her. she's just blunt.


Nobody is that simple. You shouldn't pigeonhole anyone into any kind of category, let alone label one as being good or bad. Behaviour is a complex spectrum, and black and white thinking is not good for anyone. Treating someone unjustly by unfairly judging them will most likely just lead to more injustice.

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." -Socrates


the ambiguity of her character is what makes it compelling


Is Olive good or bad? She is both, like so many of us.
