so is Olive bad or good?

i am so sorry but i am trying to understand this show. I love it so far, it is so interesting. Olive and her husband seem nuts but kind of sane too. So questions i have so far:
1. What does everyone think of Olive...completely crazy or the only one who sees things for the way they actually are and has no problem saying it (even though people dont like that)

2. Henry seems to be an actual saint but he keeps flirting with young women.he seems sort of weak but not sure if he is delusional, loves Olive, or what is with him??? opinions?

3. They seem to really love each other but in a weird way. Like Henry is delusional and acts happy but is not and Olive is too much of a realist (sees everything and everybody for who it really is but as we all know in this world, most people don't like the person who says it how it really is....this is what I find interesting as I think it reflects on our society a lot, how fake we can all be). BUT she seems to treat Henry like crap but he seems to love her or pretend to love her no matter what she does.

I know i am rambling. Great acting on this show though, just trying to understand what it is really about but totally love it! just want to hear everybody's opinions.


This probably won't make much sense to you ...

but imo Olive is basically BAD at being a GOOD person.

🐇 🐰


That makes perfect sense. I think that's a perfect summary of her character.


Olive is a sick person who needs a shrink. The husband is a super guy who has been treated like crap for so long he is just looking for some affection.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


I agree with your post MycroftHolmes. The character of Olive is sick and downright nasty. She is abusive to her husband and son. It seems her husband stays with her because she does give him regular sex. That can be quite a hold on a man who might not get it anywhere else. I think the scene showing them having sex was to reinforce that face that the sex is what may bind him to her. But, he is starved for affection.


In my opinion: People are complicated in real life. We're so accustomed to one dimensional ("he's a good guy!" "she's bad!") characters in entertainment that it is almost difficult when confronted with people who are reflections of reality. For instance: we're taught on TV that someone who smokes cigarettes is either a villain or will die. Of course that is not true in real life. What we are (generally) fed on TV is a highly filtered diet of lazy characterizations and archetypes. Even what we are supposed to think is "thought provoking" is usually contrived to elicit that response. Marriage is complicated. Should Olive and Henry be together? Well, they are married so they are together, for better of for worse. It would be too frivolous to divorce and look for something else when nothing is particularly wrong. They are in an environment where searching for some vague, 21st century concept of personal fulfillment is wasteful. They strikes me as both satisfied-as much as a thinking human being can be satisfied in life. They seem very yin and yang: he is the romantic optimist and she is the pragmatic realist. I see a lot of love they have for one another. They both just need outlets for various aspects of their emotional needs that their marriage does not supply.


That is a great perspective, thank you.
I watched the whole thing now (is 4 episodes all we get?) and loved it. Love Bill Murray's character too.


No problem. I enjoyed it, too. And it's nice to have a conversation with someone who is intellectually curious.


Of course we all have good and bad aspects to our personalities, but that doesn't mean we are all exactly equal. Her husband was a saint compared to her, as she herself acknowledged.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


NEITHER, she is human. She has her good ways & her bad ways. The best anyone can hope for is to not live with regrets & I think she has alot of regrets, which wears a person down, closes them off.


She has mostly bad ways. Really bad ways. She is a very sick woman in need of help. I'm shocked so many people think she is some kind of hero. She is a tragic figure.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


The more I think about it the more I think she is truly bad.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Fantastic post and you nailed it. This board is rather bizarre with some choosing to make saints and villains out of complex, gray characters. It's nice to see an intelligent post.

They strikes me as both satisfied-as much as a thinking human being can be satisfied in life. They seem very yin and yang: he is the romantic optimist and she is the pragmatic realist. I see a lot of love they have for one another.

Absolutely. I thought the conversations they had during and after the robbery highlighted their understanding of this. They're opposite people that are frustrated by, but also grateful for, their different approaches to the world.


That is an excellent response and wonderful insight and perspective on the show and its characters. 👍


I haven't seen all of it but here goes:

Olive is severely depressed. Yes, be a realist, but she intentionally made people suffer, hurt them. I don't know if she could have said it differently, as you said, no one wants to accept their flaws. But Olive wasn't passing out help with her facts. She was using people's weaknesses against them.

Henry couldn't help his wife, so he helped everyone else. You are correct about young women. I'm not sure it was just younger, but maybe women in need. Women that needed a kindness. I remember the scene in the restaurant and he did come to that woman's defense about how her grandchildren were treating her.

They could have loved each other. But the other emotions, behaviors got in the way. Had a bigger hold on their day to day lives.

Edit: after I watch it all, I will come back and see if I need to change my responses.

I agree that he favored younger women. But he was so happy to help Jack's wife too. Women in need triggers a response also. And no one knows how her father's suicide impacted her. She had a plan and was stopped by other actions. Not herself. If that's not a cry for help in any century, era, I don't know what is. I do agree that we can have individual responses to life. But Olive wouldnt accept any responsibility for how her life was out of whack. Jack said it best in his last speech. But he was depressed too, missing Olive just came from a suicide attempt and brought him flowers. I say bi-polar, and a good helping of severe depression and low self-esteem.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I found Olive to be emotionally abusive and selfish. Withholding affection from Henry deliberately, and as Christopher said, treating other people better than her own family. Mooning after Jim O'Casey but sneering at Henry for his attachment to Denise, who fulfills some of his need for joy in his life.

I don't think anything in the series highlighted just how mean Olive could be as these two scenes --

when she decides to leave Brooklyn and expects them to either beg her to stay or drop everything and drive her to the airport, then turns around and tells Christopher he is kicking her out. There were actually two scenes with Christopher, the other one being where she blasts him for being selfish and when he confronts her, all of a sudden she needs someone to be nice to her.

where she has dinner with Jack Kennison and accusing him of being intolerant etc. When he gives her back a taste of her own medicine, she gets pissed and leaves. It's only good when Olive is dishing it out.

Also Olive's secret revenge against Sue also said a lot about how she picked her victims. Outspoken no-nonsense Olive couldn't handle that one directly because she did not yet know Sue's weakness.


Oh I disagree, I think she knew Sue's weakness EXACTLY & did exactly the things that would make her nuts! Petty, yes, but effective. Who of us posting on here can really say we have NEVER had a petty feeling in our life? Or never acted on one? I think Olive was extremely perceptive & intelligent & has serious control issues which is why she is so restrained with her emotions & unable to show affection. Henry's ability to indulge his emotions & feelings was alarming to her because she learned a long time ago to hold hers in.



You have a point about what would make Sue nuts, but it was a horrible thing to do and the marker thing in particular, since the little girl probably got blamed for it. If Olive was perceptive and intelligent enough to realize that, that's even worse.

Also, Olive had to have known that, in no small part, Sue's opinion about her came straight out of Christopher's mouth.


Also, Olive had to have known that, in no small part, Sue's opinion about her came straight out of Christopher's mouth.
Oh, definitely! That probably made it that much more hurtful for Olive.


I think you hit the nail squarely on the head with Olive, particularly with why Henry seems to annoy her.


In certain ways, she reminds me so much of my dad. She is stuck in her ways. She is blunt. She is a product of her era. She is a miserable wife, and a miserable person, but she means well. I think she clearly has issues that she never dealt with correctly.


She really doesn't mean well most of the time.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Olive, bad.

Frances, very good actor.


Well, I've only watched the first two hours so far but I like Olive a lot. As fictional characters go, I feel like I'd get along with her. She's a sad person, and has the guts to be sad and to speak her mind, instead of pretending to be something she isn't for the sake of everyone else's comfort. It isn't sadistic, she doesn't mean to be cruel, but she doesn't compromise herself. And I love that she's sensitive and perceptive and smart, even if her unwillingness to hold her tongue for the sake of nicety makes her seem unaware of how her words will affect people. I feel like she wants other people to be able to handle the truth, and it bothers her when they obviously can't.

So, she has her issues. She could be 'nicer.' But on the other hand, everyone else could probably stand to be less oversensitive. Most people seems to think they deserve not to be uncomfortable or to hear unpleasant truths, and some of us don't feel that that's the case.

I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars & warrior-poets.




Just have to say I find it incredible -- actually, it's pretty appalling - how people see these things happen in TV shows and movies and thinks it's funny or some kind of justice.

Destroying someone's property, even if you think the person deserves it, is not only wrong, it's illegal. Someone who is supposed to be as smart as as Olive should know that.

Defiling someone's food (The Color Purple, The Help) is foul and also illegal.


I agree with nomen_meltdown. Olive is just who she is. I wish I had more information about her own upbringing, but she is a complex character. Maybe not "good," but certainly not a villain either.
