Dc made over 6 billion last year...


Marvel fan boy logic --- ''Dc is doomed, they need 12 billion to break even''


You're a female Andre.


You're a female Andre.

That's mean!

Andre's not THAT fat! hell, I think he only has 4 chins...

Thanks to Batmeh v Supermeh Yawn of Justice, the "S" now stands for Sidekick


You make fat jokes  and yet you haven't ever seen me...

It's ironic that I'm in good shape, pretty thin... and yet I've actually seen pics of you, and you... are not.

Seriously Carlock, I'm like half your size. 


It's ironic that I'm in good shape, pretty thin
Can't believe this without pics. Sorry. 

Sign up, you lazy apathetic slobs



Would you believe them anyway? 


If she wronte "tittyskittles" on her breasts when she took the photo.

Sign up, you lazy apathetic slobs



It's fun when the destroyer of cakes gets all mad and starts pounding her hooves on the keyboard trying to insult.

Sorry, the pics you saw were your 12 year old doxed pics. maybe if you're going to try insulting someone based off stolen info, you could at least make sure it's CURRENT stolen info as I shot down all those "fat" allegations quite easily posting pics of me today down to 168.

But if you're saying that you were half the size of those stolen pics... oops... that's still pretty huge for a "thin" little girl.

calm down, go have another tray of cupcakes and try to relax.

Thanks to Batmeh v Supermeh Yawn of Justice, the "S" now stands for Sidekick


It's hilarious that you now use fat shaming, you've been on the other end of it so you know how it feels to be ridiculed for it

But hey, you're not longer a fat piece of $hit anymore so it's ok, right?

You're still a piece of $hit, it'll take a lot of effort to change that, more effort than you put in losing all that weight, but you can do it

of course i'm damaged, it's tattooed on my forehead isn't it?


I find it somewhat ironic that in order to declare DC such a financial success the DC Zealots have to release the toy sales figures to demonstrate how well their so called mature franchise is doing.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock


So you are saying that DC made more money by selling toys than selling movie tickets?

Sounds almost...kind of......Kidde?

Sign up, you lazy apathetic slobs



Merchandise and movies combined, where'd you pluck just toys from? 😄

No. What I'm doing basically is putting down an indisputable fact for the Dc haters...

that shows their hate has proven nothing, the consensus that everybody (despite what they like to put forward as fact) hates Dc comics is untrue, that the films will be re-booted is untrue, that Dc are doing badly is untrue, etc etc...

This is one lovely little story as the boards here are about to close down,

but all it says to the haters is 'fck you, you were wrong about everything and always were, DC have just had their most succesful year in their history, are at the top of their game, and the public doesn't hate them, and they aren't on your very vocal side...

you have spent years of your life hating. You're wrong... and you've achieved NOTHING.

When the boards close take with you that the only tiny little speck of negativity you can from this... that the critics don't like the Dcu...

boo hoo... like it matters in the scheme of things.


Merchandise and movies combined

How are your maths skills? Take 1.6b away from 6b and see what you are left with(clue:it's more than 1.6b)

that shows their hate has proven nothing, the consensus that everybody (despite what they like to put forward as fact) hates Dc comics is untrue

Yes I know. Children like them.

you have spent years of your life hating
I've only actually spent about one year hating this film.

Sign up, you lazy apathetic slobs



Um..I'm not sure anyone has ever said the company doesn't make a profit. This is a movie message board, we talk about movies. The DCEU is on a precipice and the number of kiddies toys DC sells won't be a lifeline which helps prevent the DCEU from falling to it's inevitable death. 


Using the biggest heroes and villains that DC owned the DCEU made $1.6b with two movies one of those movies also carried the biggest title of the franchise, you have to ask yourself is that an impressive amount of box office for two huge budget DC films, me personally I would say not really given that The Dark Knight made over $1b on its own nearly a decade ago without adding inflation also if you compare it against The Avengers which made $1.5b on its own then $1.6b for two movie does not look that amazing but a more fair and direct comparison for DC and Marvel will be Justice Leagues box office against the Avengers.

Consumers spent $4.5 billion on DC Comics merchandise in 2016
That merchandise includes things like toys, t-shirts, and video games.

that shows their hate has proven nothing, the consensus that everybody (despite what they like to put forward as fact) hates Dc comics is untrue, that the films will be re-booted is untrue, that Dc are doing badly is untrue, etc etc...

I am not sure where you got the impression of a consensus existing that people had the opinion that everyone hates DC comics, personally I could not give a damn about either DC or Marvel comics and have no idea if either are good to be honest. One thing that I am sure of is that no one has ever been talking about DC toys and if they are good or not or if they sell or not same goes of T-shirts so what has the evidence that they sell well have to do with countering the argument that most have here that BvS is a bad movie and underperformed. I actually got a BvS T-shirt from a friend for Christmas as a joke does not make the film any better though does it? I am pretty sure that no major DC game came out this year so that means that DC actually makes most of its money from toys and then comics and T-Shirts as I know that comic sales are not that large while the shelves are full of DC toys, this proves that the majority of DC money actually does come from sales to kids but what is wrong with that?

Another thing you are mistaken on with the majority of users on this board is presuming that they dislike or hate DC I have found that not to be simply true just that the DC Zealots like to label anyone who dislikes a DCEU movie as a Marvel fan and out to get DC. The truth is that most of the people here actually are DC fans but hate the trash that they are putting out at the moment which forms the DCEU and that is a big difference. Of course some users here are genuine trolls out to provoke tension between the two fan bases or to just get attention for themselves.

You make fat jokes and yet you haven't ever seen me...

It's ironic that I'm in good shape, pretty thin... and yet I've actually seen pics of you, and you... are not.

I am sure that you are drop dead gorgeous and a supermodel who only visits these boards in her spare time.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock



Are you still salty that BvS didnt make a billion like you guaranteed?


Seems like you are salty that DC made 6 billion while Marvel made what 4...5... 3??


The DCEU has still been making sh!tty movies...so...there's that.
Glad the company is making money, though. I don't hate DC at all, but Warner Brothers has absolutely sabotaged their own cinematic universe, and their closest competition (who shall remain nameless) is laughing all the way to the top of the box office.

They need to drastically step up their game, and I hope they realize that, despite how gingerly their superfans are coddling them.


Probably spent 5.5 to make that 6. Not impressed.

Heh, in the same week that Marvel puts out Legion, DC puts out Powerless.


You're welcome.


Sounds like you're arguing that DC's characters are so wildly popular with the public at large that they present WB with a virtual license to print money. If that's the case, then the performance of the movies would have to be assessed through that lens. The lackluster performance of each DCEU film entry simply cannot be viewed as a success if we accept that hypothesis. The "solidly profitable" results become the baseline expectation - the result they would achieve even if they operated with complete incompetence.

Your claim suggests that the DCEU films are abject failures. It's not my interpretation, but your argument only leads there.


Hey Skitty have you given any thought to the Horror and embarrassment that is coming your way in 2017?

let me explain.

Justice League, A movie you and other DC fans have waited your whole lives for is coming out, A Movie that DC fans have repeatedly claimed Would destroy The Avengers.......and its getting ready to get Beat by GOTG 2!

lol thats right A movie With Batman,Superman,Wonder Woman,The Flash,Cyborg and Aquaman is getting ready to get beat and Out Grossed By A Talking racoon and A Baby Tree!

lol GOTG2 is already getting insane hype and is now already being predicted to open over 150 Million and make a total of 1 Billion +...and this is based on The Universal praise of the first film, Excellent reviews, Great box office holds and totals , and The reports that GOTG2 is testing higher than any other MCU film, Oh lets now forget GOTG2 is coming off A year in 2016 where Marvel Studios produced 2 movies that simply received about as great buzz,Hype,reviews,box office and results and you can get, Civil War and Doctor Strange were absolute GRAND Slams...basically, You really can't go into a movie with more goodwill,hype and buzz as GOTG2, and thats why BO analysts are already predicting its going to be a MONSTER!

annnnd on the complete other end, you Got Justice League, You got a movie where you literally can't have less buzz,hype and interest, A Movie where you couldn''t be in a worse place, A movie that is now a direct SEQUEL to the universally hated film BvS, which bring back the same cast and worst of all the same Director(A director that failed so horrifically with BvS he was Immediately DEMOTED and 2 new people had to be brought in to run the DCEU branch), oh and lets not forget Justice League is coming A Year in 2016 where DC literally produced 2 of the worst CBM's of all time that received Universally hatred, Awful reviews, Disastrous box office results and had absolutely POISONOUS Word of mouth, Basically You couldn't Sabotage A Movie worse than Justice League if you intentionally tried! its literally not possible to go into J.L in a worse position or with Less Hype and with Fans and The general public more disappointed.

lol The Avengers is not even in J.L's realm of possibility...Hell 1 Billion is almost certainly DEAD now...Everything Points to J.L making less than BvS which is a complete embarrassment.

But worst of all, somehow Marvel Studios took A Group that literally no one heard of or cared about, A Group that Features a talking Racoon and Baby Tree and somehow its going to beat and out gross a movie that features the most well known and most ICONIC Group of all time in The J.L including the 2 biggest Superheroes of all time in Batman and Superman...

Skitty, think about this, and let the SHAME sink in...A Talking racoon and A Baby Tree is going to beat Batman,Superman,Wonder Woman,The Flash,Cyborg and Aquaman....I'm not kidding, it does not get worse than that, there is no better example to illustrate Just how badly DC failed than "A Talking racoon and A Baby Tree is going to beat Batman,Superman,Wonder Woman,The Flash,Cyborg and Aquaman"

PS speaking of how much DC made last year, You know DC lost to Marvel Studios right? The MCU films beat The DCU Films in every possible way from box office to reviews,rating,scores and cinemascores

well DC did beat them in Razzies!...4 to 0..lol

You know thats only going to continue in 2017 too right?

lol DC's gonna lose by at least 1 Billion in 2017 to Marvel Studios

Guardians Of The Galaxy 2-guaranteed 900 M to 1 Billion +

Spider-Man Homecoming(With RDJ's IM)-Guaranteed 1 Billion +

Thor Ragnarok(With The Hulk)-Guaranteed 600 to 800 Million

Ummm Wonder Woman 400-500 Million and Justice League 800-900 Million

its also worth noting reports are already getting out that Both WW and J.L are "complete Messes" based on early screening...

Its very possible if They are as bad as BvS and Suicide Squad, They could make even less than my estimates.

If Wonder Woman gets the same kind of AWFUL reviews that BvS and SS got (like somewhere between 25-40% on RT)...Its literally going to be a death sentence, and Probably wont make more than 350 Million

If J.L is similar to BvS(which is almost a certainty at this point with Snyder Directing) J.L will make less than BvS, If J.L gets awful reviews(like 25-40% on RT), J.L is going to opening lower than BvS and make less total than BvS, which again is just absolutely pathetic

Its going to be a hard year for you Skitty, once again your going to have to watch Marvel Studios Succeed in the exact way You DREAM of for DC, Your going to have to watch Marvel Studios put out 3 films that get good reviews,have excellent box office run and beat The 2 DCEUs films in every possible way.

once again your going to have to resort to Desperate measures like "Umm no Wonder Woman isn't really awful, Its not really getting awful reviews, Its just a conspiracy, Marvel and Disney are paying off critics to hate Wonder Woman"
