MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > What Would You Do In The Purge ??

What Would You Do In The Purge ??

i mean realistically i would stay inside without a doubt but there is so much to do and explore i wanted to see what people would do if they had the opportunity.


Arm myself and my family to the teeth and stay inside.


get myself arrested for something very minor 1 minute before the purge

go to canada for 12 hours

to to mexico for 12 hours

if you could afford it, go to any country for 12 hours on the cheapest round trip ticket

rent a small plane and fly it around for 12 hours

rent a small boat with a motor and go out for 12 hours

bury myself in a real cemetery with oxygen tanks for 12 hours or run a hose for air nicely concealed of course

go to a very large cathedral and hide in the pipe organ's blower room

get myself arrested for something very minor 1 minute before the purge


open a gun shop that sells guns to felons

shop opens at 7


My choices, in order of preference:

1. Move out of the United States, permanently. What person who isn't a sociopath would actually WANT to live in that society? Let alone participate in the Purge?

2. Go on vacation abroad during it, if moving somewhere else were somehow impossible.

3. If neither moving nor going on vacation were possible, build a safe room for me and my family, and batten down the hatches.

4. As a last resort, hunker down on a tall roof with a sniper rifle, and pick off the mask-wearing Purge nutbars.


I would go to Canada a week early (the border is a 3 hour drive from me). I figure a couple of days before that the bridges will be crowded so a week is better. Otherwise I would anticipate there would be hotels that have "Purge Night" deals where the place gets sealed and they have extra security. If there was someone like an old boss that I want eliminated I would probably pay to have it done because like someone else mentioned that there is probably more chance of someone taking me out on the way over so I wouldn't want to chance it
