MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > What Would You Do In The Purge ??

What Would You Do In The Purge ??

i mean realistically i would stay inside without a doubt but there is so much to do and explore i wanted to see what people would do if they had the opportunity.


Good question, I hope they make a third one where the founding fathers get it. This one was beats the first as well, not stuck in a house the whole damn time.


i no right the first film raised the whole idea and could of done so much with it but failed to do so such a pity. but we have anarchy which really showed us the capability, and the third installment to the purge is in development coming out 2015 i reckon they would base it on the people who cooperate in the purge would be pretty awesome


I would not sit in house, surely would kill some people I want dead.

"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil


I would not sit in house, surely would kill some people I want dead.

Unless those "people you want dead" already live with you, you're far more likely to get killed yourself. Someone who is at home, armed, and expecting trouble (practically everyone would be), has a huge advantage over a home invader, not to mention the strong likelihood of you getting picked off on the street on your way to the house in the first place.

Only an idiot would go out looking for trouble during "the purge", because in all likelihood, said idiot will find far more trouble than he bargained for, and can deal with.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


And how do you exactly know that sitting in a house would be safe?

Vote For "The Purge" -


I didn't say it would be guaranteed "safe". I said that someone who is already in a house, armed, and expecting trouble has a huge advantage over a home invader. They can simply hide somewhere, wait for you to come walking by, and *BAM*, you're dead. And if they have good hearing and/or a security system and/or a dog, they can likely shoot you before your foot even touches their floor.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


Then I will try arson. If it was an opportunity, I wouldn't miss it. Surely there are risks. But don't we live in a dangerous society anyway?

Vote For "The Purge" -


I said that someone who is already in a house, armed, and expecting trouble has a huge advantage over a home invader

Hey MaximRecoil, don't you know that babuandbabu has 1337 Call of Duty Skills! He could totally a .45 assualt gun and max snuff some purge n00bs.


I think real life killing and surviving is a little bit different to a kids game.


Obviously you haven't played it. Checkers is a kids game. CoD is not!

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


For those of you talking about going out and killing someone, it is highly doubtful that you would. Forget about the risk you are taking by going out, snipers, purge teams, or just some guy who spent all year welding steel plates and machetes to his car. Coming form a person that has killed people (Iraq and Afghanistan) it’s not as simple as pulling a trigger and walking away. You have thoughts about it wonder if you really had to kill them, nightmares, and I killed in a war where my friends where being killed imagine if it was just some random person. And you killed them just to do it? Those people saying that they would kill a person just to do it are either lying or sociopaths.


I will stay inside and protect myself.. I'm too scared to do anything even though I want to beat some bitches but I'm too scare to go out

Ich habe eine Hassliebe mit Deutsch.


I'd steal enough stuff to skip work for a year.


I would hide until the purge was over. It's that simple...

We're bulletproof!


Agree. I was between barricade the house to the max and armed. In reality most of people won't participate and as long as I know no one want's me dead. Except the guy who lost in League of Legends vs me today, he was bullying and he ended up loosing the match but after all house is secure than being outside.

And second choice is hum.. yes HIDE! I dunno where but just hide. Maybe in a cornfield (or something like that with lots of vegetation). Who the heck would go there to kill people?


LOL that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 

Vote For "The Purge" -


I would make sure I was out of the country on holiday somewhere. Somewhere Iraq.

Wonder if my home insurance would still be covered on Purge night.


You all wanting to kill someone you want dead, you are the reason this world is so *beep* up. Remember what Jesus said, don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.

Not to mention the movie has it all wrong, the majority of the people who are good people would organize their own police forces. From where I live getting 30-40 guys, get arms, maybe an armored vehicle or a tank, roadblocks and there is no way you can get inside and kill anybody in our community.




I dare you to organize buying a tank. not only its illegal - you wont even agree on what tank to buy.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Jesus never said anything. He's a fictional character.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


And you know this how?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Your very wrong about that, He is just as real as You and I.


I have a person in mind I'd love to go "purge", but I think I'd stay home, arm myself, and ride it out.


I would get a hotel room in canada for the night. For the people who say they would be out killing and raping just because it wasnt illegal you really need to reevaluate your own lives and why you have the desire to ruin others.

Mac wants the WHAT?!


I'd have to kill you just for being a douche.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


I think I'd sneak into some government official's home since that's the safest place to be on purge day being that they're immune.
