MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > Couldn't the main character have just go...

Couldn't the main character have just gone a few hours early?

Why wait until purge to make a drive that takes you through a dangerous downtown, when he could have just waited near that guys house a few hours beforehand? Furthermore why not just kidnap him a week before, kill him, and then dump the body on purge night?


there would be no movie


I sorta wondered about that, too. But to justify it in the movie, I'm going to assume he struggled with doing it. I think he thought of heading over there before the purge, but wasn't sure if he wanted the revenge. I guess it wasn't until The Purge started that he had enough nerve to go.


> Furthermore why not just kidnap him a week before, kill him, and then dump the body on purge night?

Because kidnapping is illegal. The society we are shown on the screen has zero crime 364 days a year. The population simply doesn't even consider committing crimes except on Purge night.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


he disabled the guy's security window a week before the purge. its a serious crime because it allowed him to potentially murder his target.


Yeah, but he wasn't going to murder him until the purge.


If he disabled the security the week before the purge, it seems he would have broken the law by breaking into the guy's house. The whole idea of the purge is to (supposedly) reduce crime.

I have to wonder if he was hiding out because he was somehow wanted for committing the crime of breaking into the guy's house to disable the security system.

If so, then he'd have to wait until after the police were no longer out there and able to run his license plate, find him, arrest him, and take him out of his revenge plot.

Basically, I asked myself the same question, but this seems like a reasonable explanation.

Even though the property owner wouldn't know about the crime, it seems like this government wouldn't care much about the victims--even to the point of involving the victim--but would take an extremely hard line on criminals. I don't think they'd be going for a fair trial in this world.

Just floating it out there... If not this, then he's a moron for waiting so long to go over there. It's not like there's a starting line or rule that you have to wait at home before you start purging.

A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of it & defends it for others.


Because you can tell from a body if its been dead for a day or a week..Big difference


> Because you can tell from a body if its been dead for a day or a week..Big difference


What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


You can tell when a body has been in a fridge or freezer. That and the family would have reported him missing by then, the evidence is going to be there that he was missing and murdered a week before it was legally allowed


> You can tell when a body has been in a fridge or freezer.

Maybe. If you look close. But, this body will be found the day after The Purge. I'd bet that the police, morgue, and funeral homes are overwhelmed with dead bodies to process for the next week. No one is going to look closely and do a close enough examination to determine that this one body seems to have been dead longer than a day.

> That and the family would have reported him missing by then

Yes, that would be a clue. But, I'll bet that a lot of people with enemies tend to drop out of sight a week before The Purge and don't return until a week after it. That seems smart.

In fact, that was a part of the movie that bugged me a bit. The folks in the movie did not seem to worry about preparing for unexpected events. They were like, "Oh, The Purge is in four hours and I have a two-hour commute. I better hit the road now" or "The Purge will start in ten minutes. You kids get in the house now so that I can activate the blast doors."

Holy freaking cow! I'd be barricaded in my bunker on a desert island two days ahead of time. And, anyone that wants to be in the bunker with me must be chained up in a locked room and sedated 12 hours before The Purge starts.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Lol ya that was definitely a stupid part, who goes food shopping hours within the one day the country goes insane. I'm sure they could have come up with a better plot of two people stuck outside during the purge than groceries, although im too stoned to think of one myself right now lol. Still i enjoyed the movie, cant wait for the next one the masks are always so badass


This is what I came here to post. Why didn't Sergeant just park a few blocks away from his target's house a couple of hours before the purge? But then there wouldn't have been a movie. 😛


It could be fairly explained away by the actual ending: it becomes clear that, for all his planning, he's actually having doubts about whether he should do it or not.


I have to agree that i think the issue was that the main character was struggling with whether he could/should go through with his revenge plot.

I think he was driving around, trying get himself psyched up/work up the courage to go through with his plan. As we noticed he drove past a number of incidents and he didn't do anything, and he was actually about to drive away from the mother and daughter until he heard the cries of the daughter. That touched a nerve and he had to get out to help.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


There are many other foolish things in this movie, too.

Like the weapon restriction. I mean... the city is in flames, the police won't be patrolling and people would actually LISTEN to the restrictions? I mean come on... there's Zero to None chance in hell, that you'd get caught using a bazooka for example during the purge night. Or whatever the f- you want to use. The amount of carnage around you would make the investigation 100% impossible.

And then in the end... why did the soldiers stop when the siren sounded? It's not like some magical power just knows that they shot those people 10 seconds after the siren. And even if there would be witnesses, it's a word against a word situation and because of the Purge rules, I bet that the verdict wouldn't be to their disadvantage. I mean if it would, then basically everyone would have to stop "purging" about 1 hour before the end in fear of someone lying that they did what they did AFTER the siren.


"why did the soldiers stop when the siren sounded?"

Why wouldn't they? One of the dying soldiers even said "We were just doing our job." When the siren sounded, it wasn't their job anymore.


There are security cameras all over the place.

What is stopping citizens from hacking in and recording what's going on? Nothing.

So basically, either you stop when the Purge stops, or you have to deal with the law afterwards. And I'm guessing, in this society, law usually hangs criminals or those who disobey without much trial.

Also, let's not forget the dying soldier who was there just "doing his job". These soldiers are following orders and have no intention of breaking the law as well.

So this is why they stopped and this is why everyone stops.


I thought that too the only explanation I can think of is he didn't want to get pulled over before the purge started as he would be arrested for having dozens of firearms without a permit to carry.


Because it's just a movie, otherwise it would've had a 5 minute runtime.
