Hated the daughter

Damn, I hated that girl alot. She just wouldn't shut up.

If I was Frank Grillo's character, I would've shot her ass or abandoned her once she started talking back and being so rude.


I would have shot her personally if I were her mum...... I AM SERIOUS !!!



Wasn't the daughter of the first movie also the most hated character?
Seems to be a constant of the series.


Aarg, the daughter was completely irritating. At first I thought she was the sister of her mother because of her nonchalant attitude towards her mother as the one in charge in their relationship. Plus her obnoxious constant interrogation of the guy who saved them -tryung to put a guilt trip on him, refusing to follow his directions at times, yet wanting him to take care of them and then preaching to him and being completely ungrateful. I didn't hear her or the mother ever act thankful for saving them. Then the mother irritated me because she didn't put her daughter in check - she just let her run her mouth at the poor guy. aaaanoying!!!!


First time the bratty little bitch would have mouthed off to me, her and her mom would have been on their own.


I'd have preferred if she shut her pie hole. Annoying b****!

Everything they’ve taken from us, we’re going to take back and more.


i hated her too! she had a real smart mouth. this man just saved your life and you're calling a ''d!ck'', and giving him a hard time. unbelievable

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners



The kids in both Purge movies deserved to be shot in the face. I haven't seen the third movie and probably never will, but I bet that has annoying kids who also should be shot.

Also, any woman in a horror movie who is running from certain death, yet falls over and takes all *beep* year to get back up again, needs to also be shot. When The Purge finally becomes a reality in the US, I will travel there to find women who can't run and hunt them down as they fall all over the place.
