Hated the daughter

Damn, I hated that girl alot. She just wouldn't shut up.

If I was Frank Grillo's character, I would've shot her ass or abandoned her once she started talking back and being so rude.



LOL, the other characters acted like they were entitled to the Sargeant protecting them. Umm...no

The girl just annoyed me a little.

They should've been thankful that he saved their asses in the first place. He could've shot them all and escaped in his car.


I felt the same way. Judging and berating him while he's protecting her ass? Not to mention yapping when they should have been keeping as quiet as possible. I would have told her lots of luck and goodbye. I figured he put up with her crap and gave her his vest because he'd lost a daughter and she reminded him of her, but that turned out not to be the case; not quite, anyway. The guy was a saint. I hope they took him to Applebees or something when he got out of the hospital.


My exact thoughts!


I really enjoyed the second movie, but it is a requirement of these movies to have at least one annoying/stupid young character? First we had that awful long haired son in the first one, and now that annoying girl. Sarge saved their lives and did nothing to make them think he was a bad guy. He wasn't a murderer, he was only out Purging to avenge his son. And yet she judges him and refuses to shut up, acting like a spoiled brat the whole time. When she refused to put the bulletproof vest on, that was the tipping point. The guy is offering you extra protection and you're refusing it like a spoiled brat. You don't want it? Ok, go out there without it see how long you last

Just like The Avengers...with a talking racoon
Guardians of the Galaxy



Your family? Did all of the family go and see this, the little kids also? lol
When you said that, I just had an image of 'family movie night' with the option of seeing the new Disney 'Planes' movie or The Purge, LMAO!


lmfao. He's my type of husband. I would so want him to be the father of my kids. lol. When I was like three or four my grandparents let me watch Children of the Corn. I'd go over to their house and my grandpa would be like what would you like to see? I would always say Children of the Corn. lol.

Heath Ledger Come Back,
This isn't funny, at all.


I don't post about movies unless there is something really good, or very bad. In this case, the Cali Character played by Zoe Soul, was so irritating it practically ruined the movie. Her dialogue and the way she acted the part made no sense in light of the situation at hand in the scene. Screenwriter needed a few more rewrites. Could've been a much better movie without the way Cali was being enacted, and the Character itself.


I had the feeling she might have improvised her lines since they were just so bad and none of the other characters lines were that bad.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


No director is going to let an unknown child actress improvise.


I literally prayed that should would die in the movie



Lmfao. I wanted to slap her especially when the guy was coming to rape them and she opened her mouth and was like go we have guns. Like what a *beep* idiot! Now you have no leverage! He now knows exactly where your are.

Heath Ledger Come Back,
This isn't funny, at all.


Both her mother and Sergeant acted like the daughter was some kind of special snowflake. Instead she was a clueless loud mouth. I yelled at her to shut the hell up so many times.

So annoying.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I know. That annoyed the crap out of me. I was almost just as annoyed at her mom for not being more stern with her. Her mom needed to tell her to shut the f*#! up!!!


Agreed, especially for a man out for revenge, he was unnaturally inclined to take her bs. I understand you're willing to protect them as long as they aren't in your way...but that girl was getting in the way.

"I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged." -Red


The entire time she kept asking him questions, I imagined a parody version of The Purge where she says: Give up some character development. C'mon, give us some info. We need exposition."

That's her only real purpose in the movie.


Ditto, she is right up there with the whiny son from "the road" Frank shoulda offed her immediately!


I was thinking the same thing, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hopefully the writers for the next installment will take notice of this because it's a great series that could turn off a lot of people with those annoying high-pitch screams.

I definitely would have killed her. I would have killed the other girls too. They just didn't know when to shut up. They kept alerting the purgers with their annoying screaming.


Pshh. Two of the women could moderately hold their own.

The dumbass husband character got himself injured. He was a useless liability. Should have killed him first.


He held off the gang and got his stuck up wife to keep shooting when she kept stopping so everyone else could escape.
Far from useless.

The wife did nothing apart from alert someone with her screams.


I'm pretty sure you are the first and only person to consider the Purge movies a great series.


Maybe Diego should have *beep* e d them in the ass!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


Agreed. She was really annoying. I hated the wife too.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Daughter woulda been killed after second question.
Mom killed after she played me.
Girlfriend killed when she screamed because of the rat.
Dude took care of himself.


Well aren't you Mr. Internet Tough Guy in person...


Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!
