Stop killing for T. V.

Stop killing for entertainment.... you all deserve to burn in hell.


If it bothers you then don't watch the show! Duh! Go watch something on Animal Planet or Disney where the critters are all still alive and happily frolicking around. This show warns you before the beginning of every episode and several times in the middle that the it contains scenes regarding hunting that some people may not like to watch.

Go away, Troll. Nobody invited you here.


George Lassos the Moon
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´


Thank God, hamburger, ham, chicken and fish grows on trees .... moron. People have to eat and something has to die, deal with it.


I wonder if cary ever considered how his bloodline survived over the last 500,000 yrs ?


Shut up, you thoughtless and ignorant sinners!

The OP is right, hellfire eternal for you heathens! It says so, right in the good book. Open your Bibles, you foolish people. The bible doesn't lie! It's all there, just as it was written tens of thousands of years ago, in plain simple English:

"And the Lord said unto the man who killed for sport: Why hath thou done this? And the man replied, Lord, it was for the show of reality, so that my over-fed family and friends would be entertained. Hearing this, the Lord struck him down." - Rupert 20:12:4

See, fools?? It don't get much clearer than that, does it?

You dirty and foul sinners, with your smug answers, y'all don't know nuthin! I'll take good ol fashioned horse sense over yer fancy book learnin any day, ya putrid and blasphemous ass-pony's!





Why don't you respond?

How do you think the burger you eat get made? People in areas like Alaska, Northern Canada, Montana, other remote areas hunt for food. Hunting has been here since animals roam the planet and homo erectus (the first human species) came to existence some 1.8 million years ago.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


I was a vegan for 7 years and still mostly plant based diet, but I fail to see a problem in hunting for survival. What else are they supposed to do up there? It's the Alaskan wilderness. It's their culture and lifestyle. It's how our ancestors survived, and it is the only way people living in those types of remote areas can survive. There is nothing wrong with survival.
