MovieChat Forums > 5 Flights Up (2015) Discussion > Kind of boring movie. 4/10

Kind of boring movie. 4/10

This was just a slice of life movie ... with the life part being kind of boring and inane. An older couple wants to move out of their perfect .... let's call it was it is ... CONDO. They keep calling it an apartment, but these units are not apartments, they are condominiums.

The reason they want to move is that the husband and their dog cannot go up and down the stairs of a five flight apartment as fast as he could. In the middle of them holding an open house - while they are there - with lots of rude and annoying people, they decide they also want to buy another place. ( probably ought to think about that before they find themselves homeless )

So they go out and look at some places ... and the only real suspense to this movie is they keep talking about how they are not rich, and they are thinking they will have to sell their house in the 800 thousands. Meanwhile they houses they are looking at moving to, at the last minute are a million.

Their poor dog is having problems and has to have an MRI, and then surgery. So under all that pressure they are holding their open house. $10,000 for the surgery.

So, these "middle class" couple is tossing around money like they are billionaires, and during the whole movie there are these inane attempts at romantic flashbacks to younger Diane Keaton and younger Morgan Freeman. I know it's a movie, but these folks are making huge decisions without running any numbers, talking to financial advisors, reading any CC&R's ... it is completely unrealistic. In movieland all you have to do is show up with a check, and sign it or not sign it at the last minute to hold everyone in suspense.

Five Flights Up is not a bad movie, but it's not a good movie. It's the kind of movie that you can nod off while watching and wake up and not really missed anything. You can go take a pee and come back with no need to put the movie on pause.

Also in the background of NYC is this terrorist incident that everyone is following.

I don't know why all the residents of the building they are living in do not chip in or use their reserve fund to install their own elevator and raise the values of all their units.
