MovieChat Forums > John Wick (2014) Discussion > Who would have played John Wick better t...

Who would have played John Wick better than Keanu?

I've just watched John Wick for the second time and I enjoyed it just as much second time round as the first. I love revenge/justice type films and I think this was well executed, if you pardon the pun.

My main gripe about the movie, however, is the lead actor. I didn't find him to be particularly convincing as John Wick.

Maybe he's too skinny or un-menacing or not psychotic enough. The best bit was when he stabbed the guy and stared intently as he watched him die. Other than that I found Keannu to be slightly weak as the main role... particularly as the reputation and legend that is John Wick the character was built up magnificently all the way through the movie.

I'm racking my brain to think who would have been perfect for the role and have come up with these suggestions:

Jim Caviezel (Mr Reese in Person of interest - just the right amount of menace/professional hitman/one man army about him, and despite being 4 years younger than Keanu actually seems older)

Tom Cruise - what he lacks in muscle he makes up for in psychotic nuttyness. Just needs to channel his inner Thetans and kapow!

Any other credible suggestions?


Liam Neeson or Mel Gibson. That said Reeves did a good job.


Let's stop kidding ourselves
A tall man just has a more powerful presence than a short muscular one. So please people stop saying Tom Cruise. He's short,, he looks short, he is short and would look ridiculous next to all those tall Russian bad guys in the movie, not to mention how bad the movie would look with all the camera tricks they would need to do to make him look tall

Keanu is John Wick. (Period)

Can't wait for part 2. I just hope they don't F. it up


Tom Cruise is too short yes, but I dont know why you replied to my comment where I mention two tall guys.


Hugo Weaving
Or maybe Dan Stevens if you want someone younger

made you look


I think this is Keanu Reeves' perfect role. He's a great action star but I don't think he's actually a great actor. His character here, John Wick, is very terse. I don't like Jim Caviezel is good at all so I disagree there, and Tom Cruise wouldn't be good in this part.

Those seven years of MacGyver finally payed off


No one could have done better than KEANU REEVES for sure.


For real??
If you want a hitman who have a bad criminal face and very muscular, he'll sure die and
get shot from victim bodyguard's before he can get near to his victim.. Cause everybody
easily afraid of kingkong muscle's man..
Just watch and think why CIA agents have a much smaller body and muscles size to a professional bodyguard or a wrestler..


Keanu did a good job, but Jason Statham would be my first choice


Travis Fimmel ftw


No one else. Keanu rocks!
