MovieChat Forums > Ellen Page (2013) Discussion > Kenneth couldn't get her wet.

Kenneth couldn't get her wet.

Elsewhere in his new memoir, Page graphically detailed his failed attempts to have sex with a man at age 16, as he battled with his sexuality years before coming out as gay.

Page revealed he once dated a classmate called Kenneth and repeatedly attempted to lose his virginity to him - to no avail.

Page said the pair - who met in grade 10 at Queen Elizabeth High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia - would 'fool around upstairs' and engage in 'dry humping,' which did not arouse Page.

He wrote: 'Kenneth was sweet, sensitive and cute. A unique face with prominent cheekbones and electric eyes, his hair dark brown and floppy.

'We'd fool around upstairs. I didn't really like it but I didn't mind it either.

'The kissing, meh. The dry humping, alright. I would pretend to orgasm. Not that Kenneth wasn't or wouldn't be fantastic in bed. I am certain he would be a selfless and generous lover.'

Going into further explicit detail, Page said when they tried to have sex, Kenneth was unable to enter him, adding: 'That whole "wet" thing was not happening.

'We'd try and then stop, try and then stop, try and then stop, and then we stopped trying. I was lucky it was with someone as lovely as him, it could have ended a different way.'


"Kenneth was unable to enter him"

No kidding, Kenneth couldn't enter "him", since "he" was a chick back then. In completely unrelated news, Yusef Islam couldn't recite Islamic prayers when he was still Cat Stevens, either.
