MovieChat Forums > Obsession: Dark Desires Discussion > The pregnant woman being stalked

The pregnant woman being stalked

I'm sorry but the woman who was stalked and talking throughout the episode just started to get on my nerves. She must have said about 100 times how she was pregnant and this and this and that about being pregnant. Then when her dog gets taken by the stalker and was returned to her obviously abused, does she take care of the dog and nurse it back to health, NO, she goes on about how she had to get rid of the dog because it made her think of the stalker Sorry, but that made me lose all sympathy for her. She went on about how the dog loved her and never left her side and then once it's abused she gets rid of it like the trash.

She was also complaining about the police and how they had her do something that she thought was too dangerous. Well who forced her to do that? She could have refused. Not to mention how they had to put in sexually explicit talk. Did we really need to know the stalker wanted to hear her boyfriend go down on her?

Didn't like this episode at all.


The name of the episode was "Hiding in Plain Sight".

It ticked me off at the end of the show when the stalker had been looking at her facebook page. DUH!!! I don't post too much personal information on facebook. And people need to be confirmed as friends to see anything. If I had an unknown stalker I would be very careful about facebook and possibly cancel my account.


That woman was so stupid she probably had no idea how she got pregnant.


Let me be the devil's advocate here. What if she had kept the dog and nursed it back to health. And then the Psycho stole the dog again somehow, only this time the dog came back with a bullet in it's head or cut up into little pieces? Would you be applauding her for keeping the dog and nursing it back to health? Or ranting about how the stupid b!+@# should have given the dog away so he wouldn't have remained in danger and been killed? Given the emotional mess she was by that time, she probably didn't have the emotional strength to care for the dog. I hope the dog did get better. There are rescue organizations that specialize in helping traumatized abused animals recover. Would it be wrong for her to give the dog to somebody who could take better care of it than she could?

And regarding the opera performer, her dramatic manner could possibly be a defense mechanism to enable her to discuss an upsetting experience. And regarding her agreeing to talk to her stalker once a week, at that point he was sending death threats to her family and the authorities were being useless. All law enforcement did was advise her to ignore him. Which did nothing except make him escalate. Okay, agreeing to chat with him on a regular basis may not be a good idea, but she was trying to find some kind of solution with zero professional advice. I don't think they had a handbook back then on "How To Deal With Being Cyber-Stalked By A Sociopath". Pacifying him did get him to dial it down for awhile. And I'm not sure if it's clear that her last message made him stop, or if he was stopped because she FINALLY got somebody in law enforcement to DO SOMETHING!

One more thing, while I think some of these victims handled things badly, how many of you criticizing them have had the experience of being stalked by a sociopath? Because I bet most people in that situation make alot of mistakes dealing with the situation. So maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental about all the "stupid" mistakes some of these people make.


I also agree it kinda angered me how she just dumped the dog, after saying how much it never left her side. I may be biased as I love animals but I just immediately thought "oh cr@p that dogs gonna get killed" the first time I saw the episode.

Oh...and anyone else wanna know what kind of "sports car" she had that she sold in the beginning of the show ? On the show it looked like a 17 year-old's Mazda 6....with an Automatic.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


I also did not care for this episode. I'm wondering what type of sports car she drove. She bragged about it over and over again. I hated how she treated the dog, and she was stupid not to get a new phone number.
