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The pregnant woman being stalked

I'm sorry but the woman who was stalked and talking throughout the episode just started to get on my nerves. She must have said about 100 times how she was pregnant and this and this and that about being pregnant. Then when her dog gets taken by the stalker and was returned to her obviously abused, does she take care of the dog and nurse it back to health, NO, she goes on about how she had to get rid of the dog because it made her think of the stalker Sorry, but that made me lose all sympathy for her. She went on about how the dog loved her and never left her side and then once it's abused she gets rid of it like the trash.

She was also complaining about the police and how they had her do something that she thought was too dangerous. Well who forced her to do that? She could have refused. Not to mention how they had to put in sexually explicit talk. Did we really need to know the stalker wanted to hear her boyfriend go down on her?

Didn't like this episode at all.


I agree. It was very stupid of her to leave the puppy outside to begin with, knowing that the stalker was out there too.


Yes, why would you leave a puppy out there knowing someone had been to her house. She went on about how upset she was about the puppy and then gets rid of it.

She also claimed that she didn't change her cell number because he knew her mother's number and he would have gotten it! Ugh, no he wouldn't have because as it turned out he had her cell and mother's number from the pizza place. Yes, she didn't know that but if she had at least tried to get a new number maybe it would have stopped. All she had to do was get a new number and not give it out to anyone. I wouldn't keep a phone that someone was calling me 500 times a day.


That woman made me sick with what she did to that puppy. It infuriated me to no end. Something that pissed me off terribly was that she never mentioned taking it to the vet and when she said she didn't ever find out exactly what he'd done to it then that proved she never took it to the vet. If my dog gets a cut we go to the vet. I might be a little obsessed but still! Uuugghh, I could go on and on about it but I won't. She's a sicko for what she did and how she handled the situation.


On a side note, this show and Stalked scare the effing sh*t out of me! Watching the shows are anxiety enough, I don't know if I'd make it through an actual experience, I'd full blown lose it.


I totally agree. She said the puppy looked sick and was peeing all over the place so why the hell didn't she rush it to the vet?


I know right?!?! It shoulda went to the vet asap and then she shoulda nursed it back to health and kept that dog. There's something wrong with people like that!


I thought all of the same things!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. The thing about the dog bugged me but especially how she was bashing the cops who are the same cops who end up catching the guy! I feel sorry for what happened to her but she just seemed like someone who would bug the heck out of me.


That one annoyed me a little, but not nearly as much as Leandra Ramm and her story. I felt like she was using it as a way to try to promote herself because she would randomly pretend to hold a phone and completely go nuts in order to immitate her stalker, lol. (She's an opera singer/actress in case you wondered. I've never even heard of her.) And she was SO dramatic about every single detail. Here's the gist of her story.
-Guy from Singapore pretends he's a manager for a music festival in Singapore and offers to help her with her career.
-she's excited for a good 10 mins of the show, and somehow finds out he's not legit because of a letter sends or something random.
-he calls her cell phone and she answers it EVERY TIME (apparently opera singer cell phones didn't have caller id in the early 2000's. Eye roll) and she cries a lot. He also emails her and calls and sends letters to her and her family threatening to kill them all if she doesn't converse with him.
-after 3 or 4 years of cyberstalking, she decides to agree to talk to him regularly so that he will stop CYBERSTALKING her. She then admits that he completely stopped the threats after that.
-even though he is obviously harmless as far as physically harming her, and hasn't threatened her in a year, she has to escape it all by taking a job on a cruise ship. At this time, she gets the guts to ignore one of their chat dates.
-he calls her cell the same evening and SHE ANSWERED IT again.
-he says he knows she's on a cruise. She freaks out and insists that he's followed her on this ship, despite the fact he's never physically shown any sign that he's been around her for 6 straight years.
-she is sick of it all and decides to end it by SENDING AN EMAIL that says, "game over." And guess what? It all stopped.
-however, she finally decided to hire a forensic detective and he eventually found out it really was a 38 yr old man from Singapore and he pleads guilty to cyber stalking and international threatening and goes to jail for 3 years.

Yeah. That's the story. I don't take stalking lightly at all, but something tells me that a normal person would never allow someone across the globe to cyberstalk them for 6 years. Surely after enough time it would click that there have never been any physical signs of him, and there's likely never going to be. Her story has to be extremely embellished or she's just a huge drama queen.


Thank you for writing what I was thinking the entire time I watched episode five.
Leandra seems to be a woman who needs to be in the lime-light, whatever the cost. She would sneak in narcissistic comments about her talents and even her genetic superiority in between telling the story of being stalked for six years. I also thought that the creators of this particular episode portrayed the stalker in a racist manner. His portrayal was based on fiction to a large percent and the constant sweating only added to the lack of authenticity of the episode.

The points you made regarding this episode are all right on the mark, especially the fact that she came across as a "drama queen". I didn't think this show could get any worse until I listened to Leandra Ramm ramble on for 45 minutes. I hope I never get a phone call from her. I would immediately hang up and change my phone number.

"Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television."


That episode was so fvcking stupid. I HATED how they'd put the stalker in the shots all theatrical like and spewing stupid sh*t and touching the actors. I don't remember any of the other episodes being so dramatic and ridiculous? And yeah, her squeezing in how much talent she has and how her parents got their petri dish from a genius sperm bank was super annoying. She was only there to self promote. Lol @ her imitating her stalker too, holding an imaginary phone and screaming into it. I thought I hated epi 4, 5 was worse!


LOL at the last few responses to that true. And I also found it a little racist and just silly (the scenes with the stalker). Like he sat in a laundry room peeing in glass jars all day stroking a doll he made of her made from pillows and horse hair...a little TOO much of a string on that kite. They made it out like she was world famous. I think she probably blew it way WAY out if proportion to get self-promotion. Like an above posted noted, not taking stalking lightly but just seems a little fishy. GAME OVER.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


It made me so infuriated what that woman did to her puppy, but coming on here and seeing so many others felt the same makes me feel a little better. I couldn't believe some one could be so selfish! If her child was kidnapped and abused by HER stalker and then thankfully returned, would she have treated the child any differently (or god forbid abandon him/her) because looking at the kid reminded her of her stalker? That poor animal did nothing to deserve being abused by her stalker and then to have to go through being abandoned again is disgusting. The only thing I can hope is that the people that she gave the puppy away to actually loved it more than she did.



She should feel guilt. She knew she had a stalker and she repeatedly left her small, defenseless dog outside. What did she expect would happen? She should also feel guilty for not immediately taking the puppy so the vet when she returned home, when it was clear by her own admission the stalker had done something to her dog. And she should feel guilty for her ridiculously callous attitude about the dog and giving her away. If she felt bad for leaving her dog outside where she could be taken and abused, then she should have kept her dog and made sure she felt protected from then on out, not give her away so she's even more confused.


I absolutely agree with everyone's remarks on this. Some other things: It was never revealed if the creep really did kidnap the puppy, so that wasn't cleared up; but regardless, what this idiot woman did after the puppy came back, was unconscionable. Someone like that ought not to have a pet of any kind. And it never was revealed as to how he accomplished the stalking. Had he planted a GPS system somewhere on her car? Apparently he wasn't actually following her? I got the impression she never saw anyone following. Was he calling her through his computer (which could explain the "fake" voice)? When she was out in the boonies, how did he know cops had the place staked out? Surely the cops would have known if he'd followed them and her out there. When the cops were in her house and he called and said he knew they were in there, he would have had to call her from his cell phone while watching her house. So is there some kind of gizmo (technical term, LOL) that can attach to a cell phone that can disguise a voice like that? Or some sort of app? It's a nightmare being stalked, but I think this episode was poorly acted, written and produced. And I didn't like the woman. I do watch a lot of "true" crime, (and ID) and am usually satisfied with the forensics being explained. This episode left me totally aggravated and irritated.


She would have to let the Puppy outside to do it's business.... I'm guessing she was too afraid to stand outside with it I don't blame her for giving up the Puppy. She did what was best for It. But the way it showed it was that he stole the Dog from inside the House.


This episode was rebroadcasted tonight. I'm glad to see so many other viewers took issue with the same reason I came here to post. This woman was annoying from the start with her going on as to why she wouldn't change her number. There were times that I was watching that I actually thought maybe she liked the attention tho guy was giving her? It had to do with her lame reason for not changing her number and the numerous times she would answer his calls and actually talk to him!

I also was annoyed with her comments about the police as well.

At the end of the episode all I cared about was the puppy and if little pup was ok or not.

Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.00
