Long tent scene.

I enjoyed this film. Have to say I was impressed by the very long 'one take' tent scene, our two characters pulled this off very well. It can't be easy to do a shot that long.

Good job Bob or Zed lol, not a perfect film by any means but good nonetheless.


Didn't know about that shot going in, and I thought it worked very well.

Of COURSE it gets boring after a bit, which is kind of the point, until THUMP! suddenly it's not, then it slides into boring again, then THUMP! it's not.


Umm, isn't the whole movie a parody of all ff movies and the length of the shots? Just imagine Peter Griffin And Quagmire in the tent and it'll keep you chuckling for a good while.

"A turtle without moisture is like a paperweight with nostrils."


I think if BG wanted to make a parody, there'd be no ambiguity. I read an interview in which he says it started off as a sendup of the bigfoot hunters, but that he was taken in by their sincerity, so revamped the project.

But that long take did become funny in an unsettling way (at least for me...again, I didn't know about it on first viewing), when I realized that it had been going forever. I remember thinking, 'how far will this be taken' with nothing really going on, and then the long vocalization is heard. So I think he's playing with the boundaries.


LOL, I was watching this with my dad, and he wanted to bail, and I kept saying "wait, something's going to happen any second now" and it never did. Just two people sitting in a tent whispering and listening to random sounds forever and ever.


It was a very stupid movie, but the tent scene was actually well conceived and executed. It made sitting through this nonsense more worthwhile.


This movie is awesome, IF YOU LIKE FF MOVIES!!

It's awesome even if you just like gentle comedies, slice of life movies and mumblecore indie-looking stuff. The first hour or so doesn't give you much danger and is mostly about the couple, their cute attempt to make a documentary and the rift you sense between them. She'd like to live in L.A., but he'd like to live in the PNW. She doesn't believe in Bigfoot, he does. He wants to get married, she doesn't.
