MovieChat Forums > Willow Creek (2014) Discussion > Blair Witch 3: Boring Bigfoot Bullsh!t

Blair Witch 3: Boring Bigfoot Bullsh!t

I was so excited to watch this after the trailer and reading the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. But you have got to be kidding me! The directors and writers must have planted or bribed every reviewer they know to get these positive reviews.

I wanted a Blair Witch style horror movie and instead I got 80+ minutes of a home movie and 1 minute of some turd in a fat suit, followed by a lot of camera dragging and screaming.

To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park: "Are there any Bigfoot in your Bigfoot movie?"

Holy hell....this was bad. At least I didn't go to a movie theater. Wow.


Haha, the title of your post actually made me laugh out loud! Totally agree with you though. It was so boring!


Thank you! And I'm glad to hear other people think the same thing. It always irks me when a movie is highly rated, and turns out to be so lousy.


thanks for the warning you saved 1hr 19 min from my life.


I think you're looking back on Blair Witch through nostalgia glasses. Of all of the ripoffs that that movie spawned, Willow Creek came the closest to mimicking the style. Slow, ominous ending, much left to viewer interpretation. This had all of that. I liked this movie, but I could understand how some would not. It doesn't have that "spoon feed" thing going for it that audiences pretty much expect at this point.

It's weird, I liked it, but I can see how some would not. You didn't like it, but have to resort to the silly "paid shill" nonsense. There's no bigfoot in a bigfoot movie? There's this one movie I remember seeing, it's about a "witch" but you never actually see a witch in the movie. I can't recall the title off the top of my head.

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


Fair enough on not seeing an actual witch, but at least TBWP was at know, scary.


I agree that it very much reminded me of Blair Witch. That was one of my first thoughts as soon as I finished the movie. Unfortunately, I'm among the surprising minority of people who didn't like Blair Witch. I didn't like this one either. I can deal with ambiguity and didn't mind the lack of seeing a Bigfoot, but the camping footage was just painful to watch I didn't really care what happened - I just wanted it to be over!. Found footage (although far too ubiquitous theses days) can work if done well. That was not the case here.


I didn't find TBWP scary at all, just pretentious crap.


Because there was totally a witch in The Blair Witch Project!

I'm sorry you had to witness a movie with actual pacing and suspense. It must be just awful for you.


^clearly someone that worked on the movie.


The Blair Witch Project - whether you liked it, or not - did something interesting with its titular witch. We (the audience) have never heard of this witch, so the writers spent a little time developing the myth of this mysterious entity and then the third act left things open for us. There might have not even been a witch; it could have just been the three main characters succumbing to their own hysteria of being trapped in the middle of the wilderness.

Willow Creek didn't do any of that. We spend an entire hour of the main couple interviewing people about a mythical creature we already know about and just recycles Blair Witch's third act.

This film also was atrociously paced and the only suspense occurs during the tent scene (and even that bit goes on too long and just consists of repetitive "Did you hear that?" jump scares).


The OP's post perfectly summed up my feelings on Willow Creek. This was truly one of the most disappointing horror films I've ever seen. After seeing the trailer, awaiting any nearby screenings and reading the great reviews, I was just dumbstruck by how the film consisted of an hour of a boring guy interviewing weird folks, then a final 30 minutes that just recycled Blair Witch.

And that ending? Ugh.


Why do people sit through the entire thing if they're only going to end up coming on here to complain about how bad it was?


Just to piss you off. xoxoxo


45 minutes in and I am bored to tears. Listening to these two assholes talk is the worst.
