MovieChat Forums > Macbeth (2015) Discussion > Is this the best Shakespeare film adapta...

Is this the best Shakespeare film adaptation ever made?

Short answer, yes. For me anyway. What do you guys think?

also check out my review for the film on my blog


I haven't seen many.
But I'd say Ran if that counts. And I still prefer something like Joss Whedon's Much ado about Nothing even though it's barely comparable.


I haven't seen this movie yet, just the trailer, but I do know why some people hate it and they hate it for the wrong reasons obviously.

They hate it because they expect a piece of work based on shakespeare to be full of shakespearean performances and theatre like acting but made for the cinema. They want the words and the dialogue to dominate.

The (excellent) Polanski version goes in that direction and there is a TV version with James Macavoy set in a restaurant which is also a great interpretation. What the purists can't bear is when a story might transcend the language and do something different. Of course I've yet to see it. But the trailer looks interesting.

The point about cinema unlike the stage is that it is more visual than dialogue orientated and the best cinematographers/directors do their best work with the least amount of wordage.


I liked it a lot, but it didn't beat Titus (1999) and Hamlet (1990) for me.
Although I must add that it's the first time any Macbeth has made me cry, so that's special.
