MovieChat Forums > Lost for Life (2014) Discussion > Toreys family and supporters are delusio...

Toreys family and supporters are delusional.

Wonder in awe at the delusion that is this garbage:

The Torey kid and his family were utterly ridiculous my god. They were delusional and Torey seemed to have absolutely no remorse even removing himself from the situation claiming he was "innocent" just because his parents were feeding him their own shameful avoidance.He didn't seem so innocent on the video tape but that's just "circumstantial evidence" like seriously? HES ON TAPE TALKING ABOUT MURDERING SOMEONE AND THEN DOING IT!! not to mention hes the one talking about "getting their story straight" or something along those lines.

He seems like someone whos been living on manipulating his parents for a long time gaining their sympathy as a "good boy" and Brian is the manipulator?? YEA RIGHT. I mean there's a reason two messed up people with the same motives find each other and connect Torey was obviously already disturbed and refused to acknowledge it then and now...nope the blame is elsewhere.

The documentary didn't whitewash Brian....Torey just gives off automatic creep vibes from the very moment he is on camera. He has no remorse and he was THERE and PLANNED it so he is not INNOCENT.His parents don't want to let go of their image of him in their heads but sheesh do they have to be so moronic...they arent helping him by enabling, making excuses and speaking for him.

Just had to vent

The apple iphone came out in 1990.I HAVE PICTURES OF THE BERLIN WALL COMING DOWN ON IT. -DChupra


Coincidentally, I caught this on TV just after reading "Columbine", the book making a case that Eric Harris was an unredeemable psychopath. I know this is difficult to hear, Torey's parents, but you've got Eric Harris Jr. there. He's apparently snowed you good, but prison is where he belongs and the world is lucky he only got to kill one innocent person.
