Is this a joke?

I usually hate the people who go on a forum just to write how crappy something is. Today, I'm one of them. Everything is wrong in this movie.


Exactly. I've never liked "Worst Movie Ever!!" Posts that appear on every film's message board but I would not argue against that theme/post right now. will be attacked by fanboys...SFA47...just for saying anything bad about this film. And like you I don't think I've ever gone on a board to bash a movie I hated but I understand your point. You just feel like you need to say something about how absolutely God-awful it is.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


This is the second worst mainstream film I have ever seen in my life. The fact that human beings are using their judgement to rate this film at the highest rating scares me for the future. Not just the future of film making, but the future of earth.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone or that my opinion matters. As, obviously, I don't think that the opinions of roughly 74% of the world matter.

This film is so bad but because it's Paul's last furious film, people are eating it up. I was ashamed of Kurt Russell for saying the line "ATM Machine"... I thought, "surely ANYONE would have read that in the script and pointed out its a stupid redundant phrase." Nope.

That's just the smallest iota of this film's issues.


We have the same name so we think alike! Yes, when I said this might be the worst movie ever, I was speaking of mainstream films with budgets, stars, etc..I was also ashamed for Kurt Russell...I guess the paycheck was worth it. And again, the whole "movies mean you have to suspend reality" argument is nonsense here. Ok, so in FF8 if they are blasted off into space to fight a villian on the International Space Station then what would they say?? The hardcore fans would still defend it. I promise you...just look at the same posters on here continually "fighting" for this turd of a movie's honor. A sad 30 year-old who gives 10s to EVERY FF movie. A 12 year-old I can let it pass but that's just sad. And he will be responding to this post to bash us in just a few minutes.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


I legitimately believe the writers of these films are laughing at the ridiculous plots and stunts and saying how it doesn't matter because they'll make a billion dollars. Like they're testing to see what the public will deem as entertaining and pay to see.


Yeah, they believe we all came down in the last shower and spent $200,000,000 on an experiment to see if people would watch it despite the fact that Furious 6 ended with a cliff-hanger 

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


Troll alert.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


Just because someone doesn't agree with you don't make them a troll, fan boy.


I know what a troll is. You are not, but the one I replied to was.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


So you if you hate them then today you hate yourself? That's not hard to believe.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President



This is entertainment for the lowest common denominator. Even though this Onion clip was made for Fast 5, it's still dead on.


Good entertainment is for everyone.



$1,516,045,911 (Worldwide), keep crying pls


Since when has popularity equated quality. Obviously how enjoyable a film is is very different to each person. but what isn't different is the "quality" of the movie. eg. editing, sfx, cinematography, direction. These things are all quantitative. That's not to mean a bad quality films cant be enjoyable (or popular).

Let me be clear, Furious 7 is a bad quality film, that I coincidentally didn't enjoy, but that's not to mean you and millions more didn't enjoy it. But millions of people liking it doesn't make is "good" or worthy of a 7.5 rating when that rating is used to compare it to masterpieces.

I guess ideally there would be 2 ratings, one for movie quality and one for popularity. But how annoying would that be.

If you think I'm a movie snob which is why I hate F&F7 look up my signature quote. It's a very bad movie but a guilty pleasure of mine.

"If God was a villain, he'd be me"


You guys may SAY that this is all subjective, but I can read through the lines that you are still insulting fans of this franchise.

All I need is one mic...


I'm really not. Like I said I love bad quality films, especially crappy horror like Friday 13th films. But doesn't mean Friday 13th deserves an 8 because I love it.

When rating I rate on what I think the quality of the film deserves, not how much I enjoyed it (although I admit that maybe films I didn't enjoy regardless of quality were rated lower then they probably deserve)

To try to make people feel worthless because of a film they watch is just stupid and we all know people who do that are just trolls.


its not really a joke because they are seriously making this movie and they just make 1.3 billion out of it. By the way, I dont really like this movie too. That witch hunter, he's the real joke!



i rated this *beep* 1 star, it started decent and then went *beep* i wasnt expecting realism, but i was expecting consistency, the acting got really cringy when noone was screaming "ohh no Dom" when all the other *beep* happend but when he took a decently short fall in his car in the end they were all like tearing up because ofcourse they knew that this time he wouldnt make it.

i dont know, it was a cringefest, but its what the general public wants in an action movie, my beef with it is that it takes itself too serious, its inconsistent and it comes out short.

i would never rate something higher based on some *beep* actor in it dying, people die every day. (besides it would appear he thought he was the actual character the way he drove, now thats realism 101 right there) he was probably a great guy, but thats all there is to it.


You lost me in the final paragraph. While walkers passing doesn't affect me it's very insensitive to talk about his passing like that. Especially since you got it wrong. He wasn't even driving.


he still owes me a 10 second car lol


I found it pretty enjoyable actually.
