
I'm mixed between if the show 'IRONSIDE' will be cancelled after one season or it'll be renewed. The Pilot obtained 6.9 views, which is quite good considering it's on the NBC channel, however - the show did get negative responses from critics. What do you think will happen? Will it be renewed because of the high ratings or cancelled due to the negative responses?


just got cancelled


It's been canceled. You can google it.


Yeah it did! HAH!

Buh-bye Ironcrap!

Called it!


It was a good show, better than anything you'll ever create in your pathetic, nothing life. RIP Ironside.


When did we get so mean and rude. Can't anyone express themselves without cutting the other person down? Everyone's opinion is of value to at least one person even if it is themselves. Just 'cause you have a right to say something doesn't always mean you should.
bent not broken


Well put, people aren't titled to their opinions, they're entitled to their INFORMED opinions, I agree.



I saw just a few episodes of Ironside, but I really liked it. Can't believe it was cancelled!!!! Why didn't people like it? I thought it was great.


most epic post in stupidity i saw in imdb in a very long time.... Jesus crist, ow did u learn how to breathe....

