
I just watched this On Demand and found it underwhelming. All I kept seeing was annoying liberal actors and it was distracting. Emma Watson doesn't really have much depth to her acting and I never felt the love connection between her and the Beast. They should have picked someone with a better singing voice and more emotion. I thought Luke Evans and Kevin Kline did a good job and I liked the ballroom dancing scene at the end. Dan Stevens can do wrong in my eyes so I thought he was great lol


Yeah, I agree with a lot of what you said, kept I thought Watson did a pretty good job. The computer graphics on some of the characters I thought was pretty lousy and it just doesn't really feel the same as the animated one. It was a pretty big disappointment.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-




I actually liked Emma Watson in this movie. Dan Stevens was very good as the beast/prince. Luke Evans stoled the whole film as Gaston with Josh Gad as Lefou. Everyone else was very good. At first I was like meh to the CGI of the best but you know what I grew to love the motion capture of Dan Stevens as the Beast.


