Howard Stern.

So you probably only know this movie because Bigfoot promoted it on The Stern Show. Here's a rundown of the Stern-related people in the movie:

Bigfoot - Appears in two scenes. His first scene is early in the movie and he speaks only a few sentences. It's the only time you won't hear him use it trademark phrase, "It is." His second scene later in the movie lasts longer and it sounds like his voice was dubbed. His head is caught on fire and it's very obvious bad CGI.

Richard - Appears in one scene as a tour guide, giving some girls a tour of the haunted woods.

Sal - He's only in one scene too and plays a rapper in a club named "Italian Ice." His cameo was the only good one IMO and was a reference to his short lived rap career as Cool the Candy Rapper.

Ron Jeremy - Well, not really a Stern guy but he did shoot a porno in Howard's studio and possibly banged a chick in Howard's chair. So... he's in two scenes with only a few lines of dialog in each one.

If you like horror movies with gore there's a scene where a topless woman gets her boobs cut apart with a knife and the special effects were done really well. Actually the gore throughout the movie was done really well excluding Bigfoot's head on fire. That and Sal's cameo were the only good parts of his awful movie.

Baba Booey!!                                       


Fuck Stern and his audience, fuck him with a rusty, spikes dildo coated with anthrax, and no lube: better yet, Krazy Glue.
