His weird accent

It sounded like he was a time traveller from the year 1733. Am I really the only one who was distracted by this...


He is an english actor and because he is an actor of some quality he can "do" other accents, in this case a Welsh accent, and a very good Welsh accent, I should know , I'm Irish.


A VERY good Welsh, perhaps the best I've ever heard done by a non-Welsh actor. Most of the Welsh, Scottish or Irish accents are done OTT. His was perfect.



It was a very convincing Welsh accent. What some may find off-putting is the way Hardy delivers his lines, the intonation.

People who say, especially the laughable Czech with some Hungarian thrown in, as well as Bosnian, have never heard any of these peoples speak English. Sounds absolutely nothing like the accent of any of those three countries.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


I really thought his accent added to and highlighted the straightforward, no nonsense nature of the man. The first 15 minutes are trying to show what an unremarkable, everyday, workman he is.

I know Wales isn't all rural, but I think it can be perceived that way and the choice of a rural accent is to build into the idea that he isn't very complicated, he's not brilliant, and he's honest. It even helped make things a bit comedic when he's being serious, and upped the tension by showing him as a plain little man dealing with some huge ideas. He dealth with the birth of a baby, the birth of a building and the death of a family over the phone in 90 mins whilst driving.

Also Garreth, Bethan, and possibly Katrina, all had city accents and all tried to make him do things their way. Donal, a fellow Celt, helped him, as did Steffan the Mute Pole.

Dum Spiro Spero


Lol, I agree. There were times I thought he sounded pre 19th century, others he sounded Welsh, still others he sounded like he had a light Pakistan accent but just on one or two words. I'm surprised at some of the people on here who say his Welsh was good, it's my second favorite accent next to Scotland - both of which have variations - but his "oo" was all over the place and mixed with that slow, intentional, nearly whispery delivery made it sound like a period piece at other times. It was a bit distracting, I don't know why this character had to be Welsh, it added nothing to the story. Still, good movie.


It's Welsh. Pretty good accent as well.


There's a nine minute documentary on the DVD where Hardy says that they wanted a working man's accent, but that the usual accents (Cockney, Northern etc) were loaded with baggage from previous stereotypes (my words) so they decided on the Welsh accent. If you live outside the UK you might not be familiar with it, but as an Irishman who has lived in Wales and England for 40 years, it sounded quite good to me.


I just started watching it and came to this board specifically to ask about his accent. I would love to listen to Tom Hardy's real accent for 2 hours, but this just unnerved me. There is nothing wrong with this accent at all, however, it's just not his. I wonder why they did that.

John 3:16


He wasn't just doing a Welsh accent, he was doing a pretty great impersonation of one the the greatest actors in film history, Richard Burton, who was welsh.


The Welsh accent does sound a bit like something from Middle Earth but Tom's accent in this sounded very exaggerated to me, even for a Welsh accent.




West Wales. Does a good job. Oh and there are plenty of variations in our accents in Wales. Believe brah .?
