Emilia Clarke

Just watched the movie last night and thought it was ok - there were some good parts and the ending was emotional but I overall I thought Emilia Clarke wasn't very good in this.

I don't know if this is down to her acting (or overacting) or if that is the way the director wanted her to be but she was quite irritating at points. I felt that Clarke was just "too much" - too smiley, too wacky, too chatty, too nice. And those clothes were just ridiculous, she was like Bubble from Ab Fab.

I haven't really seen her in much else (except Terminator where she was fine), so again I don't know if it was just the character was poorly written - she ended up like a cliché of a chick flick book heroine.

I went to see it with my mum and her observations were exactly the same as mine (as were those of some reviewers who saw it). And we both thought the film could have benefitted from swapping the sister roles - Jenna Coleman would have been a much better choice as Clarke.


Emilia Clarke's acting here was cringe-worthy! It's as if she was so repressed in doing her character in Game of Thrones that she overacted in this one. Too much! It's like she was in a movie for little kids.


I'm glad someone else agrees with me! I think it was the character that was the main problem- what works in a book doesn't always translate to screen
