MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > JJ Abrahms made only 1 good movie

JJ Abrahms made only 1 good movie

And that was Star Trek 10. Nothing else was EVER a good movie. Super-8 started out great but devolved into an Close Encounters / E.T. turd blossom at the very end. STAR WARS 7 was horrible. Just a bunch of reunion shots and some heroine that nobody cares about, just because ... well ... need it to be a woman because male heroes are so 1977....

I hope they take him off the Star Trek series ASAP. We need somebody who is not a moron producing these shows. Every movie has broken the original STAR TREK writer's guide so severely (long range transporter; starship at the bottom of the ocean ; ultimate moronicity of humans inside of torpedoes, sword fights when a phaser would do that job ) for cheap thrills and no good reason. The movies are all action and no message. If you wanted a message you would have to look for 1000 years to find one in a JJ Abrahms movie...

He is destroying all that Star Trek stands for ...


Abrams didn't direct or produce Star Trek 10.


maybe he means star trek 11 or he is trolling.


Star Trek 10 was Nemesis


That's subjective, it's just a matter of individual opinion and everyone has different opinions, and it doesn't mean your opinion holds anymore weight than the rest of us.


Haha this is crazy right here!
Just a...random reminder that hey, that's like, your opinion, man, and also, here's how opinions work.
Lol what is this?

Uh, yes Kyliesca, thanks for pointing out the definition of an opinion, something that every last person contributing is here to share. May we proceed?

Can you imagine putting that at the end of The Gettysburg Address?
"And that the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from this earth."
*Wild applause*

"Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!, yeah....that's subjective aaannd just a matter of opinion...aaannd everybody has different opinions, aaand it doesn't mean your opinion is better than anyone elses'. Aaand that is all I have to say about that."


I agree, except that Star Trek 2009 was any good. No JJ movie has merit or will pass the test of time. And that is an encouraging thought 

🐾Dictated but not read 🐾


The writer for Episode 8 apparently had to scrap the plans to increase focus on new characters for their movie because of the immense popularity of Rey, Finn and Poe.

From what you said, whoever wrote that Star Trek guide was murdered back in the 1960s by the writers of the OS.


Super 8 is a masterpiece.

"People get it wrong, but in today's world we don't live longer, we just die harder." -Bruce Willis
