MovieChat Forums > Mom (2013) Discussion > Tired of the Canada Jokes!!!

Tired of the Canada Jokes!!!

For years American television has been taking pot shots at us Canadians. I am so tired of this...and wonder why television shows feel they need to portray themselves better than Canadians. I will typically stop watching any show that does this. However, I really love this show and will hate not watching it anymore.

Yes I know some of you, will think it is stupid and that we shouldn't be so sensitive. But it has been going on for sooooooooooo many years and it just isn't funny anymore. Are writers so hard up for a laugh that they think slipping in a dumb Canadian joke will make the show better?

I haven't decided if I will boycott this show. But I probably will because I feel even if I am the only one, that I will take a stand for Canadians not to be the butt of American jokes.

However, I have decided anytime an American television show does their dumb Canadian Jokes I am coming to their show and have my say in the forum.


I'll get my doctor to write you a prescription for a pair of testicles.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae





Don't take it so seriously. I'm British and Frasier used to make fun of Brits all the time.

Off the top of my head I can think of making fun of the Royal family, British teeth, British food, British cars.

I laughed at every one. God I miss Frasier.


Could you sound like a bigger pu$$y? All the stuff that happens on this planet on the daily basis but you are gonna take a take against harmless jokes? Jump off a bridge and do the world a favor.


Wow, typical Canadian. Always so sensitive.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

But I do love the song "Two Beavers Are Better Than One" from "How I Met Your Mother".

Jaan Pehechan Ho


Im not kidding. Canadians are so damn sensitive its not even funny. We gave you bacon and let you keep Jim Carrey

Be grateful you wimps....

