MovieChat Forums > Dads (2013) Discussion > Why do I Continue to Watch This Show?

Why do I Continue to Watch This Show?

I like Seth Green, Martin Mull, Giovanni Ribisi, as actors,, the other cast members are new to me, now while I think SG,,MM,,GR are decent actors, I realize that they are really support character actors, none of them are people who are star actors who can carry a show, so this is basically a mish mash of support character actors and actresses trying to carry a show about late 30's-early 40's computer/video game makers who are best friends and have fathers who come and live with them and makes their lives (complicated).

The writing is terrible,,the laugh track is terrible,, the acting for the most part is terrible,,, and yet I continue watching it,, and find myself mildly amused by it.

When It comes to comedy I enjoy all kinds of humor High Brow,,low brow,,buddy,,romantic,,slap stick,,cringe worthy,,gross out,,racial,,so when I watch this show it doesn't really have any redeeming qualities, and yet I find myself continuing to watch,,and mildly enjoy watching the show.

Anyone else find themselves realizing that what they are watching is pure crap yet still find themselves watching each episode? and enjoying it?




IMO it was pure *beep* in the beginning , but the last few eps where kinda OK, had a few laughs . Maybe it depends on the mood though )
It's better than Two and a Half Men that's for sure.


Oh shut the f_ck up. People are allowed to like a show that you don't.


I haven't bothered removing it from my dvr, so I still watch it and still don't laugh. God help me, I agree that there is a certain charm to how lazy and stupid it is. Every joke is as broadcasted as a tropical storm. I would never ever, EVER compare it to Team America, where 30 minutes of that movie provides more laughs than the entire season of Dads has, but to each their own.

100% agree about Brenda, though.


Yep, right with you. I know it's awful, but watch it and somehow enjoy it. I think it's just because I like the main actors so much, plus Brenda Song is absolutely stunning. Put her back in that schoolgirl outfit and I'm a viewer for life.


Ahhhhhhhh...Brenda Song in those short skirts! Best part of the show!


Because it does offer a couple of genuinely funny moments per each episode, and the fine cast carry the show over the rough spots.

According to Jim and Rules of Engagement weren't particularly well written either, but they survived eight and seven seasons respectively because of casts that clicked.


Duds isn't being carried by anything or anybody according to the horrible ratings. Last one got a 1.2! That's pitiful! We Are Men got the AXE at 1.8 for example! I take it back though, they are being carried one thing: Macfarlane's name. That must be what's keeping this televised abortion from tv HELL. But for how long!



Phylot, you need a hobby, have you ever heard of women?



You really need to get a life.


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I win, shills, and the stalking of this dimwit chisoxwinin05 proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt!

Get used to hearing the undeniable truth about your floundering "show", shills, it's PROVEN it's tv ratings poison. Duds has fallen to an TERRIBLE 1.2, a series low which is SIX tenths BELOW where We Are Men got the AXE. How proud the show must be that Macfarlane's name is probably the only thing keeping it on the air. Hah!

I'm here for the duration, shills! Set 'em up and I'll knock 'em down! Every time!




Speaking the truth isn't trolling. You don't like hearing the truth? DAMN, are YOU on the wrong site!


Nope, get used to hearing the undeniable TRUTH about your floundering "show", shills, it's the TRUTH it's tv ratings poison. Duds has fallen to an TERRIBLE 1.2, a series low which is SIX tenths BELOW where We Are Men got the AXE. That's the TRUTH! How proud the network must be that Macfarlane's name is probably the only thing keeping it on the air.





Telling the truth doesn't make somebody a loser, denying it does. Another shill who doesn't like hearing the truth? You losers (heh!) really are on the WRONG site for that!


Nope, get used to hearing the undeniable TRUTH about your floundering "show", shills, it's the TRUTH it's tv ratings poison. Duds has fallen to an AWFUL 1.2, a series low which is SIX tenths BELOW where We Are Men got the AXE. That's the TRUTH! An undeniable FACT! How proud the network must be that Macfarlane's name is probably the only thing keeping it going.



But you really are a loser


martin mull says funny things.
Brenda song looks hot.
these two things are important for Televison!


Martin mull is great. Edna the maid is hilarious.


Obviously neither are good enough to get the ratings up. 1.2 for their latest episode! DAMN! That's awful!

Duds is a dud!



Wow, it must be terrible to be you. You must have such a sad lonely life if all you can do is stalk IMDB (and probably other social media) and spew hate. how have you managed to say on here without being blocked?


How? Because it's not a crime to speak the TRUTH, you sputtering jackass. And it sure isn't stalking to DISCUSS the actual TOPIC, unlike you have done, moron.

Let me paraphrase your question: how have you managed to say on here without being blocked BY ME!

Answer: now you have!




Your opinion is not necessarily the truth lmao


OP i am in the exact same boat.

This show is terrible. It really is. The jokes are broadcast from about a mile away, the oneliners are duds the likes of which you rarely ever see, there's
racism that sometimes i still can't believe i'm witnessing, yet i haven't
missed an episode.

I dunno, i kinda think about Norm Macdonald and his take on sometimes a joke
that absolutely BOMBS being be just as funny as one that kills. That's DADS
for me. It's that bombing joke that i still find entertainment in because
comedy ain't easy, and i give props to the people standing up on stage
squirming their way through it.

Though i have to admit, too, that sometimes...SOMETIMES i feel like this is
Seth McFarlane and the gang having a huge laugh, trying to see how far they
could convince FOX to carry this trainwreck before finally killing it.

It's too bad, because Ribisi is a talent, and i always find Seth Green
very watchable.

And yeah, that asian chick is about the most smoking hot woman on broadcast
tv right now.

"Gallifrey Stands!"



I've watched every episode so far and can honestly say that I have no idea whether I really like this show or not. It's definitely low brow and predictable humour which sometimes works and I'm more convinced than ever that the laugh track of every sitcom needs to go away (having an APPLAUSE sign flash in front of a "live studio audience" counts as a laugh track in my book). The writing bounces between weak to chuckle-worthy to having a couple actual laugh aloud moments. At its weakest moments, those moments when I'm ready to quit, the writers seem to know and put Brenda Song on screen at which point my brain sits back down on the couch and it's on to the next hit or miss joke. All in all, it's not a great show but as a sitcom it's definitely worth watching for those "hit" moments. I don't expect much from a sitcom, just a show that can make me laugh, forget about the day and do it without making me feel embarrassed for the actors, then it's at least a moderate success for me. This fits that bill so far.


Duds might be a success for you, but it certainly wasn't for the network, that's why they AXED it!

