MovieChat Forums > Sleepy Hollow (2013) Discussion > Sleepy Hollow is RENEWED..

Sleepy Hollow is RENEWED..

i guess it didn't end up being a castle shock cancellation..🐸


Excellent news. I loved the finale and the new change in story direction they set up. I think the show has a chance of being as good as it used to be... I enjoyed s3 but it was SO obvious Nicole didn't want to be there, and without her moodiness to drag it down maybe it'll be fun to watch again. (I'll always adore Abbie but I am a bit resentful to Nicole for barely even trying to look interested, I mean, it was her job after all.)

This show is definitely getting Fringe'd now, we'll get a fifth and final season as well if the ratings don't go below 0.8.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


Excellent news. I loved the finale and the new change in story direction they set up. I think the show has a chance of being as good as it used to be...

If you haven't been paying attention this will be the THIRD " new change in story direction they set up"...

1. Season 2 - "upgraded" a second tier actress to co-lead and demoted the first rate leading lady to a supporting role of driver and nursemaid. They abolish the entire basis of the show and got rid of Moloch and any mention of the on coming apocalypse.

2. Season 3 - For some god unknown reason they introduced watered down greek mythology to underpin a show about colonial America. Then they brought in Sexy Betsy Ross to model colonial underwear.

3. Season 4 - I am 100% certain that they will not improve nor will it ever get back to "how it used to be" over three years ago. Remember these are the same people who thought introducing Sexy Betsy Ross in her underwear was a good idea... I have a feeling they are going to bring back some of the season one writers.. but to no avail... someone in charge has a cousin high up in the food chain at Fox. Or maybe they are related to Adam Sandler who for some unknown reason keeps getting funding even though he has produced nothing but dog food to the point that actors were boycotting as they were filming. I'd like to meet this cousin...

What we will see is a plethora of white and very fair mixed raced women throwing themselves at Ichabod. He will give a lot of goofy speeches and shake his finger at everyone.

Anyway, Len Wiseman has sold yet another mediocre pilot to Fox... so perhaps keeping SH was a package deal.


Orci already asked how people would feel if he came back to write for SH.


Someone at Fox is out of control.




You can be upset at Tom, (I'm not afraid, I'll name him) but I an really annoyed that Lyndsie is going to be back. I disliked her so much this past season. She danced on my last nerve, doing her own thing because she knew best and getting people killed and no repercussions. I'm so fed up with most things on tv lately. I think I'm getting old and crotchety.



I honestly do think Tom brought a lot to the character. I don't know why he isn't supporting Nichole, but I suspect a paycheck has a lot to do with it. Plus, as popular as UK actors are on some tv shows, it is still difficult to break into US tv, and I get the impression it pays a lot better than I the UK....just the fact that there are more episodes increases the amount of money to be made. Still, Laurence Fox came to the US and went home empty handed. He and his wife, Billie Piper, just couldn't catch a break here. So...

Still, I wonder about the direction Tom was given to play his character. I really wonder about how much autonomy they have, how much power an actor has over their character and so on.

I don't think I like the way things went, I do think Tom could have been more supportive, I don't completely dislike him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of a doubt since I really don't know what went on between him and his other cast mates.

But, oh, I really do wish I did know.

Completely OT, did you watch Nichole's movie on Netflix? It was new to me. (I'm bad with titles...My Last Day Without You? Or maybe With....). She really does have a lovely singing voice.


Still, Laurence Fox came to the US and went home empty handed. He and his wife, Billie Piper, just couldn't catch a break here. So...

Horrible to say but it is the accent, Americans are much more accepting of the RP accent over regional British accents, like Tom (SH), Benedict C. (Sherlock), Jonny Lee Miller (Elementary), and of course there are lots of Brits who do a good US accent like Andy Lincoln (The Walking Dead), Idris Elba (The Wire), Damian Lewis (Homeland).


I'm so used to Laurence and Billie's accents (Lewis and Doctor Who) that I never thought of that, but that is a very good point.

I guess that is all the more reason for Tom to stick with this show; he is gaining some recognition here, and his accent is acceptable.

Sometimes, the more I learn about television, the more I dislike it.



I was thinking Jose Molina because a couple of months back he popped up on twitter sounding like Metzner and Dana. That is when I realised that this would be renewed.


Hehe, I liked Forever, but I watched for Judd Hirsch. The whole time I watched, I was nostalgic for New Amsterdam. (And there was another foreigner, Nicolaj what's his name, now popular on Game of Thrones.)

I suspect you are correct. I never really thought of Ichabod as a character that could carry the show.

I actually think I will watch a few episodes. Upfronts for Fox are tomorrow, so we should know how many episodes, and whether it is getting a new showrunner and so on. I don't have expectations of greatness from it, that's for sure.



I think every show has to have a "ship" and Forever thought the widowed cop would make good shipping material. Goddess, I hate shipping. If it progresses naturally, and even sorta surprises the showrunners, then cool, but for every show to have a girl and guy who just *have* to get together....puleeze.

Anyway, she was the reason he just had to leave the lab.

Haha, now I *know* I'm old and crotchety.....



Hehe, I liked Forever, but I watched for Judd Hirsch

Judd Hirsch was a huge hit on the finale of The Big Bang Theory last week. Almost everyone who's commented about the finale expects him to have a bigger role next fall. He's playing Leonard's dad.


Embarrassing truth. I don't watch TBBT, but I recorded that episode. I was not disappointed!

I really started enjoying/respecting Judd during Numb3rs. He played the dad, and it was a very peripheral character; he could have phoned it in and no one would have noticed. But he brought intelligence, humor and gravitas to this small role and whenever he was on screen, I watched *him*. Amazing, really.



Wow, I didn't know the background! Thanks for that.

When I catch TBBT in repeat, I watch it and enjoy it, but for some reason I just don't follow it.


When I catch TBBT in repeat, I watch it and enjoy it, but for some reason I just don't follow it.
Same here. I'm like that with all comedy shows. Strange.

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.



"that guy" on Hawaii five 0 is alex o'loughlin......Moonlight was good had decent a short first season because of the writers strike...Nina Tasseler really screwed up when she cancelled it...the next year Vampires were HUGE rating bonanza...she even admitted to this

and that crap show she put on in it's place..lasted half a season and was horrible

next show Alex was on was "3 rivers" he was a heart transplant doctor...they screwed this show from the the last minute they did a cast change...the they showed the 2nd episode first( I could be off might have been the 3rd one first).....main point the episodes were out of order and it was REALLY obvious that something wasn't right.and it was really lots of premptions on suday nights because of the football games.


This is a very late response, but that Titanic guy will forever (pun!) be The Amazing Grace guy to me.


True most Americans have difficulty in understanding Brits with regional accents especially those from the north, so Brits with an RP accent are far more likely to get roles on American TV shows.


The next season will obviously be a major creative reboot.


Well, you enjoy the show because I won't be watching.


WHY ?????????


Nothing shocks me anymore and I had a feeling it was going to be renewed, all be it a small feeling. Let's see exactly how much worse this show can get.

I have EXORCISED the demon


Let's see exactly how much worse this show can get.

Exactly, the cowards have the nerve to try and blame Nicole...have they seen their horrid ratings...that were due to their "changes"


I'm not surprised because I said all along they most likely didn't have anything to put in its place. If had been cancelled, I wouldn't have been surprised either, but I always saw them leaning toward renewal.

But if it's going to go anywhere, it totally has to be revamped and go in a different direction.


They could always bring back Almost Human or pick up Constantine in its place...I just reaaaaallly miss those shows 😭😭

I have EXORCISED the demon


I LOVED almost human...but blue eyes is in a new series....but I would still love for that show to come back....we had the BIGGEST troll on that board as well!!!


Well that's a bit of a surprise.

I guess I'll give it a try when it comes up, but honestly it will need to do something pretty special to keep my interest.

After all, most people will agree season 2 was a disjointed mess. Season 3 started off better, but disended into chaos. It just doesn't bode well for season 4.

The fact they've killed or gotten rid of everyone, except Tom Mison and Lyndie Greenwood doesn't bode well either. I'm not sure if only them can carry the show.
