MovieChat Forums > Hostages (2013) Discussion > What happens to family?

What happens to family?

So does the family make it out alive or are they killed? Are they still hostages?


The whole family survived the ordeal.


Here's what I think would have happened if they had a niece staying with them at the time they were held hostage because her parents were on vacation.

Me: Brian and Ellen's niece, Stacey had been staying with them because her parents were on vacation. Brian, Ellen, Morgan and Jake's screams woke her up.

Stacey: I heard a lot of scuffling of feet. I heard 3 men and a woman in deep voices, saying, you know, "You're our hostages! You're our hostages!"

Me: There was no phone in the guest room. So, Stacey had to get to the panic button on her aunt and uncle's security system. It would send a silent alarm to police. You could tell the voices were coming from the living room.

Duncan: I'm not gonna repeat myself. So I suggest you listen carefully.

Stacey: I snuck out of the room to the stairs leading down into the foyer, kitchen and living room. I was able to hide upstairs and look around down into the living room where my Uncle Brian, Aunt Ellen and cousins, Morgan and Jake were.

Morgan: Are they gonna kill us?

Duncan" Follow my instructions and no one will get hurt. Don't try to play hero. Don't test us.

Archer: Hand over all personal devices such as Ipods and cell phones, etc.

Brian: What do you want?

Archer: Have you no memo, Brian? Keep your mouth shut and do as you're told!


Stacey: And so, I thought, if I just pushed the panic button, some gentleman who is half asleep and watching a computer screen is just going to call the police and say, "Hey, do you think you could ride by this house and check it out?" but then, that would be too late for me. I wanted help now. So, I then pushed panic, emergency, fire and then I stood back against the wall underneath the stairs, waiting.

Me: It worked. At the alarm company, an operator knew there was trouble and he immediately dispatched police officers to the Sanders' house. But Stacey had not anticipated what happened next.

Stacey: I thought, "Oh dear god! They're calling to see if my Uncle Brian, Aunt Ellen and cousins, Morgan and Jake want to say their password!" But then, I thought, "Well, if no one answers the phone, they're gonna think that there's no one home." So, at that point, I made the decision that I was gonna have to give up my hiding spot. I had to get to that phone. I opened the door. I grabbed the phone and the gentleman identified himself as a police officer and I told him, "Hello, Officer! This is an emergency! Some armed intruders broke into my Uncle Brian, Aunt Ellen and cousins, Morgan and Jake's house and are holding them hostage! So please help me! Hurry!" And then I hung up the phone and went back down into the basement to wait. At that point, I was scared. Because they now knew that I was up.

Stacey: (to her Uncle Brian, Aunt Ellen and cousins, Morgan and Jake) Are you guys OK?

Me: Brian, Ellen, Morgan and Jake were able to make it out just fine and all because of Stacey's help, the armed intruders who held them hostage in their home surrendered themselves to the police.
