Why didn’t Wesker...

Why didn’t he seal the hive before they got there? It makes no sense, his goal is to stop them from getting inside. So he waits until they’re almost done walking through the entrance tunnel to seal the tunnel? What benefit is there to leaving it open then rushing to seal it when they arrive? I know it’s stupid to even be asking this about a movie like this, but I just had to ask... who the hell comes up with this crap. I enjoyed the first two movies, but my god they are pretty awful now, I don’t mind stupid crap as long as the movie is fun and “good.”


This movie was rife with continuity errors.

There's really no reason to even bother to question anything.

For instance, if Alicia new about the plans why didn't she just take the anti-virus and release it instead of uploading a file to give the Red Queen a morality complex?

It literally made no sense whatsoever, and the more you thought about the stupidity the more the film becomes frustrating to think about.


movie's reason for existence was just to star in Milla's daughter's movie career.

The movie is a bad Resident Evil movie on its own lore, it's a bad videogame adaptation, it's a disservice to characters from previous movies like Claire Redfield and Wesker, here it's just cameos of them and they didn't get any action scenes, Claire fainted like twice in the middle of a fight like wtf.
