MovieChat Forums > Murder on the Home Front (2014) Discussion > missed it on tv,bought DVD,not great but...

missed it on tv,bought DVD,not great but not awful

As a fan of FOYLE'S WAR,and modern period dramas in general this is the sort of thing I should like but it was not great but not awful.

As a history nut I get annoyed when things look wrong or sound wrong,did people say CRIME SCENE in 1940? there seemed to be no blackout in the streets,neon lights? sure they were banned for the duration of the war.

But there were things to enjoy,is this going to be a series?

Can I plead with people who like this sort of thing to read the books of JOHN LAWTON ,he writes detective stories based on real events starting with the blitz (BLACKOUT)his books would be great as a tv series.


This was a little too frantic. There's a new murder victim every five minutes. And the bombing too harsh and continuous. It's like a German plane has stopped in the air immediately above them and has a never ending supply of bombs.

Plus it's trying to be CSI when I doubt that they really went into that level of detail in those days.

Foyle was so much better.
