Tom Hardy/Bronson

Seems like Jack got most of his inspiration from Tom Hardy portraying Charles Bronson. Anyone else think so?


I don't think so at all Bronson was insane. Eric isn't insane he just doesn't want to be a victim.


Defiently i saw the similaritites: the cmon you mag, his surroundings, covering himself in oil to make him slippy his crazy demands like a chocholate biscuit etc.



"However Tom Hardy's performance as 'Bronson' owed a ton to Eric Bana in 'Chopper'"

That doesn't make sense at all they were both playing the roles of real and living people, whom they each had access to in order to lean more about their character. Why would they act as another person ...insulting the rep of highly dangerous human beings? You'd be insane to do so, right ?


The film is nothing like Bronson at all. More likely inspiration came from Ray Winstone in Scum.


I didn't say the film was like Bronson, I wasn't comparing the films.

I was comparing Jack's portrayal of the character. There was definitely traits of Tom Hardy's performance.


He clearly likes hardy's work, but I would say two characters are completely different & I think he got the inspiration for Eric love being a rough school. Coming from an east London school, everything eric said was pretty standard in my day-to-day life. Nothing shocked me about his language & his whole attitude & demeanour was pretty much the same as you would find in a rough school. The oil thing was just so he wouldn't get beaten up easily/very much, something that I hear a lot of 'smart' inmates do. He was messing around & trying to be cheeky/a smart-arse when he referenced the chocolate biscuit. Clearly they can get anything they want in English prisons, as you saw from their shelves of food & kettle!


while watching it all i could think of is how much he reminded me of Tom Hary.... the way he would speak and not look them in the eye and well just about everything about him.

But i think it's more the Tom Hardy in Warrior than the Tom Hardy in Bronson. Watch Warrior if you haven't seen it and look at his mannerisms and how he speaks to people when agitated.


---while watching it all i could think of is how much he reminded me of Tom Hary.... the way he would speak and not look them in the eye and well just about everything about him.
But i think it's more the Tom Hardy in Warrior than the Tom Hardy in Bronson. Watch Warrior if you haven't seen it and look at his mannerisms and how he speaks to people when agitated. ---

I felt exactly the same! I kept seeing Tom Hardy's character from 'Warrior' in the way Eric (or Jack O'Connell) moved, talked and in his expressions.


I just watched the film and all through it his performance reminded me of Hardy's in Bronson.

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum."


Absolutely. The characters' personalities were different on paper, but it was very similar to watch. That said, Jack's interactions with Rupert Friend and Ben Mendohlson (and even the other people in his "group") added a lot more to this film and made it feel very three-dimensional. "Bronson" was more of a one-man psycho show, Kubrick style.
