
My face is still hurting from laughing so much...my whole theatre was laughing for 2 hrs..funny as hell



You saw a 2 hour version?


Agree. One of Will's best movies. Well then again, all of Will's movies are humor gold. Either you get his humor or you don't. Will and Kevin are great chemistry. Kevin is comedy gold. Great anti-racist message as well. Highly recommended for Farell's followers, then again if you are you probably are going to see this movie anyway.


I just rented the movie and finally got to see it. I haven't had a good laugh like the one I got from this movie in a very long time. I was iffy about the movie but it is so darned hilarious from the beginning to end. Totally worth the watch. I will certainly own this one at home.


Yep I agree...thought it was hilarious too.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
