Prequels and Rogue One

TLJ made these movies feel like a masterpiece.
I liked Rogue One, but thanks to how godawful TLJ was, this is now looking even better!
Granted, TLJ makes Jar Jar Binks look good, so its not that much of a compliment.
I just had to watch the last 30 mins of Rogue One after TLJ to get that horrible taste out of my mouth.
I don't understand how a studio that could create something like Rogue One, could create something like TLJ. Where is that quality control, studio meddling that Disney is so infamous for?
Also the opening of ROTS, Order 66 and Anakin vs Obi Wan are good remedies for watching TLJ.


agreed , i really liked Rogue One, loved the continuity , when you compare TLJ to this its clear to see they are worlds apart
