This is becoming a joke.

Slightly off-topic, but it is becoming a joke how many people seem to be dying in 2016.

It seems to be becoming a weekly event now. Carrie Fisher, George Michael two days earlier, Zsa Zsa Gabor last week, "Growing Pains" actor Alan Thicke last week.

Add to that David Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, Muhammad Ali, Arnold Palmer, Natalie Cole, Kenny Baker (so two of the original "Star Wars" actors have died this year), Glenn Frey, Robert Vaughn, Florence Henderson, Nancy Reagan, and many, many more.

Added to that, on the personal front, I have lost my brother, my other brother and his wife had to put down their dog, and everyone I know knows someone who has died this year. Just last week, my neighbour told me that his mother had just died.

Carrie Fisher is just the latest in what I heard someone say was "the all-time record in famous deaths in one year". Like I noted earlier, this is the same year Kenny Baker (R2-D2) dies.

"In Memoriam" at the Academy Awards will go an hour this year, for all the people they need to fit in.


People die every year, OP. It's nothing new. One day it will be my turn, your turn, and everyone in this thread's turn. Just because the year was 2016 has nothing to do with it. 2016 is just a number, one of many thousands, in a few days it will be 2017 and guess what, people will still die.

So, go through each day with a good attitude and treat people right and take the time to understand your purpose and the reason why you are on this earth. This is but a pit stop on the road to eternity.


News is that Debbie Reynolds, actress, and the mother of Carrie Fisher, has died, one day after her daughter.

That family can't get a break at the moment.

I feel sorry for Carrie's daughter/Debbie's granddaughter, who has lost both a mother and grandmother one day apart.


4,000 celebrities / actors / actresses died in 2015.

Close to 3,700 celebrities / actors / actresses died in 2016.


But, in 2016, more "household name" celebrities died. As in, mention their name, and most people, even those who don't follow that celebrities career, will know instantly who you are talking about.

Most people know David Bowie, most people know Prince, most know Muhammad Ali, most know Carrie Fisher as "Princess Leia" from "Star Wars", even if they have never seen a Star Wars film.

Many of the names on the 2015 list aren't as famous as many of the names in 2016.

If you played a word association game, where you have to match up one song, one movie, one television show or the sport that the celebrities who have passed in 2016, even most casual observers could come up with one example.

I don't have any CDs of David Bowie, Prince or George Michael, but I could name three songs each of them sang.Hell, the only thing I know Leonard Cohen for is singing "Hallejuah", yet I still know that.
