This is becoming a joke.

Slightly off-topic, but it is becoming a joke how many people seem to be dying in 2016.

It seems to be becoming a weekly event now. Carrie Fisher, George Michael two days earlier, Zsa Zsa Gabor last week, "Growing Pains" actor Alan Thicke last week.

Add to that David Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, Muhammad Ali, Arnold Palmer, Natalie Cole, Kenny Baker (so two of the original "Star Wars" actors have died this year), Glenn Frey, Robert Vaughn, Florence Henderson, Nancy Reagan, and many, many more.

Added to that, on the personal front, I have lost my brother, my other brother and his wife had to put down their dog, and everyone I know knows someone who has died this year. Just last week, my neighbour told me that his mother had just died.

Carrie Fisher is just the latest in what I heard someone say was "the all-time record in famous deaths in one year". Like I noted earlier, this is the same year Kenny Baker (R2-D2) dies.

"In Memoriam" at the Academy Awards will go an hour this year, for all the people they need to fit in.


Alan Rickman was included in 2016 academy awards. 2017 one is going to be sad. I think I'm going to need tissues.


Not to be in poor taste but it is amazing Keith Richards is still alive, he looks like a leather suitcase full of drugs.


This one signed a special pact with the Devil.



Carrie Fisher is just the latest in what I heard someone say was "the all-time record in famous deaths in one year".

Pretty much all the "names" dying are Baby Boomers too. Baby Boomers are called that for a reason - their generation brought about a huge spike in the amount of people being born in the country.

Being such a large part of the population, that is why the same age group seem to be dying off all the time. They will continue to do so too. Sadly.


Yeah ShinnickNeth, and honestly, 2016 hasn't had an unusual number of famous deaths as any other year. Difference is, this year there were so many high profile ones that it just seems to be "the all time record"

But sadly you are right, just like last year, and for the next 10 years or so , we are going to continue to have a ton of high profile deaths because of the baby boomer thing.

Carrie Fisher's was huge though. I have to say it might have been bigger than, or at least on par with Prince and Bowie as far as not only cultural impact but also their contributions to music and film / film writing / author respectively.


Good point on the "high profile deaths" being a factor too. I hadn't thought of that.


My brother was only 42, so I don't know if that qualifies as a "Baby Boomer".

Aren't "Baby Boomers" to do with the boom in babies being born after WWII, because soldiers were coming home to their brides. Which would put most "Baby Boomers" as around 70 (1945). My father was born in '45.

Carrie Fisher was 60, George Michael was 53.

I think the more interesting thing is how many of them have died because of health problems, namely cancer or heart attacks. That even includes most of the people I know personally, who most of them (including my brother) died from cancer.


I was referring to all the names in entertainment dying.

Baby Boomers are those born 1946-1964.



This is how you know that too many famous people died:

I had forgotten for a few months that Muhammad Ali died this year until I read your post.
I knew that he was dead, but when I was considering who had died this year, I totally forgot that it happened this year.


300,000 people die a day yet all you're worried about is stupid celebrities that you don't even know? Screw you


People like Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, and Alan Rickman have had a much greater impact on my life than some random Joe Schmo who died last week (my condolences to Joe and his family). I'm sure Joe Schmo made a difference to a lot of people, but I've never known him. I know Princess Leia. I know Ziggy Stardust. I know Severus Snape. The world is a sadder place without them.


Just like we won't care when you die.


That's alright for you to say, AngryNegroMan, but I know a few people who died this year.

My brother was also my best friend, and we did everything together. I miss him every day. My other brother and his wife loved their dog, who had to be put down. They also attended six funerals this year, mostly from her side of the family.

My married brother (not the one who died) was saying that, at the Christmas party, he attended, every person had lost someone close to them this year.

His childhood best friend, who was his best man, lost his father and his grandmother in two successive weeks. I know the father, as their family were also once our neighbors.

My neighbor was telling me the other day his mother died the Monday before Christmas.

Thankfully for you, it sounds like your loved ones are safe and well, and I hope that continues. But deaths have happened close to home as well, not just to celebrities I have never met.

I'm just tired of hearing about someone dying every other week, especially when I am dealing with my own grief.

Hope 2017 is a bit quieter and less dramatic.



You dared to say that to a vulnarable person, then allow me :

Go back to the 1700s. You were better with chains.


it's been a brutal year. But, sadly, be prepared for every year going forward to be just like it.
These people are the "legends" that Gen X'ers watched and admired since childhood.

They've aged. They're all going to start dying. it would be a lot more strange if a slew of younger performers had died.

But think about it,

Florence Henderson -82
Zsa Zsa - 99
Gene Wilder - 83
Kenny Baker 81
Muhammad Ali - 73
Alan Rickman - 69
David Bowie - 69

The next few years will be devastating. Aging sucks!

Harrison Ford is 74!
Steven Spielberg is 70
Martin Scorsese is 74
Jack Nicholson is 79
Al Pacino is 76
Morgan Freeman is 79

And that's just the tip of the ice berg,


Martin Scorsese is 74

When he goes it's all over.
He just keeps getting more relevant and (for the most part) better with age.
Fortunately his parents lived into their nineties.


How is it a joke? You know anyone who has lived forever thus far other then Wolverine and Comic book characters?


I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I'll pray for you and your family. My cousin had a botched mitral valve replacement and may die tomorrow as she is not doing well. Hope 2017 is better.


Baby Boomers generation is so big that they are elderly and dying like flies and are still bigger than Millennials and WAY bigger than Generation X. That's a huge generation folks, and this will continue to happen over the next 10-15 years. If you are in the medical field, you will have no problem finding a job over the next 30 years.


Glad you agree. 
