MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Screw it. Snoke should be/should've been...

Screw it. Snoke should be/should've been Palpatine reborn.

Dark Empire style.
And probably played by Benedict Cumberbatch because the guy is just fcking everywhere now.
And he's young enough to do lightsaber duels impressively unlike Ian McDiarmid (not his fault).
Or someone else.
I don't care anymore.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


No way! Mace Windu returned to rid the galaxy of force users.




The SW universe does have clone technology, so there is no reason to believe that Palpatine could not have cloned himself a new body.

But then wouldn't he have done it earlier than ROTJ and have a strong young body instead of the old scarred on he has after ROTS?

For that matter wouldn't they have cloned Vader a new body?

And if you take a close look at Snoke you'll see that there are elements about him that lead one to believe he's more of an alien than anything else. Maybe he was an unknown apprentice of Palpatines?


I don't like the idea that Palpatine is the ultimate dark power. Here's why;

- He has to kill his mentor in his sleep.

- In ROTS, he tells Yoda that Vader will become more powerful than either of them.

- He has a history of tapping youthful talent in an order to dispose of his older apprentices (Anakin took out Dooku, he wanted Luke to take out Vader, etc).

- Vader tries to recruit Luke as his own apprentice such that they can overthrow the Emperor.

I always held the view of the Emperor as not an ultimate power himself, but very clever and greedy such that he knew how to manipulate others with more power than himself. (hence, why he had to kill Plagues in his sleep, etc) That's what made him evil - not actually being powerful, but the greed, deception, etc.

Because of this, I felt like his death was deserved and his evil ended with him, whereas the others (Yoda, Obi Wan, Anakin, etc) were better beings than he and, if not more powerful than the Emperor in life, then certainly so in death.

To have Palpatine come back and be a presence like Snoke seems to declare that he really is the big daddy of the Dark Side, and that simply doesn't appeal to me.

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I don't like the idea that Palpatine is the ultimate dark power. Here's why;
- He has to kill his mentor in his sleep.

True, he may not have been able to overcome his master in a straight up battle.
Killing his master in his sleep eliminates the great risk he would be undertaking, which is wise.

In ROTS, he tells Yoda that Vader will become more powerful than either of them.

Here Sidious is simply telling the truth, it also somewhat of a boast that no matter what Yoda does it will be to no avail.
Now Yoda already knows the potential of Anakin Skywalker, so no new revelation.

- He has a history of tapping youthful talent in an order to dispose of his older apprentices (Anakin took out Dooku, he wanted Luke to take out Vader, etc).
- Vader tries to recruit Luke as his own apprentice such that they can overthrow the Emperor.

All sith lords are like this; they engage in a ruthless competition of power- the strongest survives.

He was a very powerful sith and darksider but there can be others that are or were stronger.

Snoke may be one of those.


I think I agree with all you're saying, especially that he was a very powerful sith and darksider. I just had an image that he wasn't the MOST powerful ever... not even throughout the events of the PT or OT for that matter. He was powerful enough to position himself and he knew how to manipulate others to attain power and status and, more importantly, keep it when Vader came around.

To consider that he would continue to exist into these movies just seems to make him out to be more significant than he really was. If they're going to make Snoke be somebody that had been seen or mentioned in the past, I'd rather he be Plagues than Palpatine as I considered Plagues to be stronger.

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