Luke's first words to Rey...

"Hail Hydra."

"I'm not arguing that with you. I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?"


''Can I kiss you?''

Oh wait...


Rey: (breathing hard) "Damn that was a lot of steps to climb!"


LUKE: "You do realize there's an elevator?"

"I'm not arguing that with you. I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?"


"Mesa Jar Jar Binks"


LUKE: Oh, you... found my map? o_0


LUKE: Hey, Raena! Great to see you. How are your parents doing? And, ummm... why are you dressed as a scavenger? ^_-


LUKE: Wow, you came in the Falcon? Cool! How's Han doing? Is he by the ship? 😀


LUKE: What the hell do you expect me to teach you that you can't already figure out on your own? I saw the last movie. -_-


LUKE: Where's your penis? ^_-


LUKE: Why did you abandon your black friend back at the base? Finn risked his life several times to save yours. What, you couldn't wait a few days for him to get out of his coma? -_-

REY: But-

LUKE: You didn't need to rush off to meet me. That was a dick move you pulled back there. He wouldn't have left your side if you were the one in a coma, Rey. That's what real friends do.

REY: Oh. I'm... I'm sorry.

LUKE: Apologize to Finn, not me.


Audiosane, this is a fun thread, and you're ruining it with your hate.
