Rey and Finn

Do you think that it will go down the path in the films, where they develop a romance between Rey and Finn?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Whenever one got in trouble, the other was really upset, meaning that they care for each other. They also seem to be in a lot of scenes together.

Also, in this day and age, an interracial romance is not as taboo as it once was, so there is less standing in the way of romancing blossoming between Finn and Rey.

The questions are:- do you think that they should entertain this idea? Should they entertain this idea?


No, because Boyega is too ugly


Finn's not good enough for Rey. He's getting an Asian female character to date in the next one. Rey's likely not going to be written to have a romance, people would complain about her "needing a man".


Still, between need and want there is difference. We know from Episode VII how lonely Rey has been and how her longing is for belonging and for family.


Friends/Family, yes. Love interest or anything sexual, no. Rey will most likely be asexual.


I hope not.

I'd like to find out that Luke was trying to establish the Jedi Academy in such a way that the graduates were more pure Jedi than the ones that failed when Vader was created. In that, I think that a devotion to the Force is paramount, rather than an alegiance to a Jedi Order. In the PT, it seemed the Jedi were more preoccupied with themselves at times and this allowed themselves to be blinded by the Sith. The time between ROTJ and TFA allowed Luke to meditate on it, maybe converse with the fallen Jedi's ghosts, etc and device a reformed approach.

Only Snoke and co. got in the mix and gummed it up.

Enter Rey.

I'd like to see Luke break this down to Rey and, after all is said and done, she takes the baton from Luke and starts her leg of the race. This would require her to be dedicated to the Force and somewhat of a singular character, not part of a family, etc. She should grow in the Force such that her strength comes from it, not from other, more worldly or corporeal things. Sure, she should possibly be exposed to it, or tempted by it, but in the end, she should choose to become the Jedi she was meant to be - powerful, pure and incorruptible. A relationship (with Finn, Poe, Kylo or anybody for that matter) would detract from that.

--End Transmission: Code 350--


It's happening. Check out this leaked pic from behind the scenes of Ep VIII:

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


I'm sorry, Jan, but I thought that was cosplay. Am I mistaken about this? I saw this in an article which stated this was a really good cosplay.

Have a good day!


Nope. It's legit!!!!

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


It's happening. Check out this leaked pic from behind the scenes of Ep VIII:
No. That's from two actors messing around on the set of The Force Awakens! Why are you pulling our legs?!


Nope it's legit!

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


You Finnreys are so pathetic. First, you people created a fake Dave Filloni twitter account that had "Filloni" endorse Finnrey. That was busted. Now you made a really bad photoshop of Boyega and Ridley in Abu Dabhi (Jakku set) to appear like their characters are kissing. And finally, you are trying to sell this photoshop from TFA as "episode VIII". Proof that Finnrey and Finn fans (cause Finnrey fantards are without an exception Finn fans) are dumber than an average Star Wars fan. No wonder that village idiot is your favorite character. Like idol like fantards.


It's real! More PROOF!

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.

Why are they wearing the same outfits as they did in The Force Awakens? Why are they on a desert planet? The photographs probably aren't new.


I have to agree with you, Jeorj. The cosplayers in the pictures have come out and said they were cosplaying, and the pictures are not real pictures.

Have a good day!


Daisy and Billie please.


Rey is beyond such trite desires. Romantic relationships are for lesser beings.


i don't believe they will.



It seems too late for that, it looks to me like Finn got friend-zoned.
