Rey and Finn

Do you think that it will go down the path in the films, where they develop a romance between Rey and Finn?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Whenever one got in trouble, the other was really upset, meaning that they care for each other. They also seem to be in a lot of scenes together.

Also, in this day and age, an interracial romance is not as taboo as it once was, so there is less standing in the way of romancing blossoming between Finn and Rey.

The questions are:- do you think that they should entertain this idea? Should they entertain this idea?


Star Wars has always had romance in it and I suspect this new trilogy won't be an exception to that rule. Rey did say to the unconscious Finn that they would see each other again before kissing him on the forehead and leaving, so the seeds have definitely been sewn.


LOL. She said "we'll see each other again, I believe that" (means not for a while) and "thank you, my friend". But you predictably forgot about MY FRIEND. It's a total, 100% FRIENDZONE. Also, kiss on the forehead isn't a romantic kiss cause anyone does it - parents, children, friends, spouses, nurses, nuns, etc.

But don't worry, Finn's not gonna get friendzoned by the new girl. So that's your romance.


No. Interracial romance is not popular still in many parts of the world.


That sounds like their problem


No, that's just the way of the world, especially the Far East, China, Japan,Taiwan, Korea etc


That sounds like their problem
It's not actually problem to "them". They'd have no qualms about simply banning or censoring the movie. It'd be less money out of their citizens' pockets too, as far as they'd be concerned.


Right. It's really curious how are they planning to resolve that bit.


Finn's girlfriend is Asian so if anyone has a problem with that will have to get used to it.


You mean Kelly Marie Tan playing a spy of the First Order?


There's no information from reliable sources (Reddit and butthurt Finnreys speculation =/= spoiler) what she's playing except that it's "very cool how she gets entangled with Finn", they have "a shared story" and that MSW is confident they are the romance of this trilogy.
Also, Rey spends the whole movie on Ahch-to. Finn and KMT don't come to visit.


That and they really hadn't much problem with physical contact and it's obvious Finn has a crush on her in TFA. Probably a lot of teasing about it in future installments.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


No Finn will go gay with Kylo. This has already been confirmed

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I really hope that Finn and Rey get together because I thought the chemistry they had in TFA was the best chemistry I've ever seen between two characters in an action movie. I loved every scene they shared.

Have a good day!


You're kidding right? That was one of the weak points of the movie, the chemistry was so forced.


It is completely okay if you disagree with me as it is my opinion, but I thought it was the best thing about TFA.

Have a good day!


anthonykang, Boyega is too ugly, audiences would never accept it, and they had only "chemistry" as friends, not lovers--But Boyega getting together with Chewy might work, that would be interesting


The interesting thing about a Rey/Finn romance is the way it would further reverse the gender norms of adventure films. Because then Finn would essentially be the romantic subplot, the sequel trilogy's princess Leia. He would still be strong and heroic of course, but he would be the one who stays behind and defends the base while Rey goes off and does one on one combat with the dark side. The main dramatic weight of the story would be on her, like it was on Luke in RotJ, and it would just be interesting to see how audiences receive that.

I'm still hoping for a Rey/Kylo romance though. They fall in love even as he's trying to turn her to the dark side and she's trying to redeem him. In the end she has to kill him anyway. It would just be a new thing for Star Wars. That's probably why they won't do it though.


Regarding Rey and Kylo Ren/Ben (Skywalker) Solo, I've long thought that they would be the most interesting couple dramatically speaking. I don't think Kylo is going to turn Rey to the Dark Side, or try to, though. Rather, Rey will be half of the circle of Kylo's motivation to turn back to the Light Side of the Force. Regret and remorse over killing Han will lead to a change of heart for Kylo. Combine that change of heart with his known compassion for Rey...and Ben will emerge, becoming the man he is meant to be.


...what compassion for Rey does Kylo Ren show in The Force Awakens? I don't understand where you're getting the idea that there's some kind of romantic connection between the two characters...


...what compassion for Rey does Kylo Ren show in The Force Awakens?

1. He is far gentler with her than when he interrogated Poe for the map. He doesn't leave her screaming in pain, even calling her "my guest". He wants her to tell him about the map willingly so he doesn't have to hurt her to get it. In Rey, Kylo can feel a part of himself. Another abandoned and lonely soul.

2. During the duel, had he seriously wanted to kill Rey it would have been simple for him to push her off the breaking cliff. He offered to teach her instead. I don't think he wants to bring her to Snoke, since he made no mention of the Dark Side in speaking with her. ("I can show you the ways of the Force...." NOT: "My Master will..." do whatever Snoke wants to do.)

3: He comments on and empathisizes with her loneliness

4: The classic bridal-style carry to his shuttle. Kylo could have had Stormtroopers physically drag Rey to the ship, but he GENTLY carries her himself, even doing it in such a way that would make it easy for someone else to shoot him, since his arms were filled with Rey and his lightsaber was at his hip. He cared more about handling Rey gently than he did about his own safety at that time.


I agree.


I can sort of see it, however the affection would only be one-way. I really don't see Rey falling for anyone. She comes off as more of an asexual character.


There's no romantic connection between Rey and Finn either so it doesn't matter whether Rey and Kylo have a romance or not. Finn's romance with KMT doesn't depend on that. It's a done deal. He and KMT will hook up regardless of Rey's status (single, marital, etc). That's why this romance is a go. It doesn't depend on any variables. No matter what other characters do or don't, Finn and KMT will lock lips. You don't have to believe it but since Finn will spend the movie with KMT, while Rey will spend the movie with Luke and Kylo, who do you think gets the second movie space kiss? Hint: not characters that will spend the movie apart.


Finn is not "strong and heroic", his character was one of being a coward, a killer, and an incompetent sidekick to Rey


No because Finn's getting a girlfriend in Episode VIII. Done deal. Rey will spend the movie away from him and thank goodness. Their scenes were so childish and annoying.

But like a typical Finnrey, you didn't get the memo about the latest developments.


Agree, some of the Rey-Finn scenes were cloying and embarrassing


It'll be R2 and BB-8. It will be Star Wars first non-binary romance.
