MovieChat Forums > The Peanuts Movie (2015) Discussion > Who's your favorite Peanuts character?

Who's your favorite Peanuts character?

Mine has always been Snoopy.




Wow, somebody else! xD
But honestly, that's mostly because she looks like me and has a similar attitude...I really love the whole gang...Lucy!, Schroeder!, Charlie & Snoopy & Woodstock, Linus, Peppermint Patty & Marcie, Sally, Pig Pen, etc. 😍



Snoopy, but also Schroeder, for obvious reasons

Don't look at me, I'm just the pianist


My favourite major character is Linus, and my favourite minor character is Pig-Pen. My least favourite character is Woodstock.


Charlie Brown, because like almost anyone I can relate.

Snoopy, because I always wanted to be fighter pilot.

Harriet, the only girl bird in the Beagle Scouts, because she got thrown in jail for beating up a bunch of Blue Jays. I'm a Toronto baseball fan, but I totally respect that.

---------End of Line.



Charlie Brown is my favorite. Each of us feels like Charlie Brown some times.


Linus, Schroender

Though I do find Peppermint Patty hilarious.
Woodstock is precious though.




Snoopy rocks

I'll just stand over here being happy


Linus, Snoopy, and Charlie Brown. Linus is the most intellectual of the gang and is always interesting to listen to. He's also consistently the most genuine friend towards Charlie Brown, even when everyone else makes fun of him. Snoopy is great because of all of his imaginative antics and the richness of his life. I prefer him in the strip compared to the animated stuff, though, because I like to actually have him talking. And Charlie Brown is of course so relatable, is the most fully-realized character of them all, so that he actually feels like a real person.
