MovieChat Forums > After Tiller (2014) Discussion > The comments on this movie are disgustin...

The comments on this movie are disgusting.

This choice is never made lightly. Don't ever forget that. For every unborn child there is a mother who thinks about that child every day. What that child could've become. It will never be an easy decision, but it will also never be your decision unless it is your unborn child. You have no idea what decision you'll make when it's your choice. You can not comprehend the truth of this situation unless you've been in it. This is a brutally cruel world, and mothers make the best decisions they can for their children. All of their children. Sometimes the best option there is in a sea of equally horrible choices, is to let go. But you will never understand what it means until you've done it. So those of you with anger in your hearts for situations you cannot fathom, take a seat. Wash the blood off your hands as those women do everyday because we all have to move on and try to understand and show compassion in every way we can. Because this choice is not made lightly. It haunts and it shatters and it breaks open all the seams and makes you your own evil. But for some the greater evil would be holding on. And you have to try to understand that because these are our bodies. And these are our minds and if we would make a decision that could break both maybe it's more selfless than it seems.


Yeah, the comments are disgusting, nevermind the late term abortions this piece of sh-t Tiller and other doctors have done. It's the "comments" that disgust you. Go figure.


The fact that you didn't actually respond to one single point I made makes your comment completely pointless.


Don't mind him. He was the only person in the audience who cried in "Django Unchained" when Leo's character took a shot to the chest.



Seek help.


Obviously you're not "pro-life" if you condone the killing of another human being.

You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


I hate it when people say that. I'm pro-life for the innocent. Tiller was a killer. I haven't seen this documentary yet, I'll admit it, and doubt I will because it would be too painful to see an abortionist being depicted as a hero and a martyr. It sickens me.



I just stumbled on this comment of yours when a few moments ago I just replied to one of your comment on another thread. I assumed, then, that you saw the film. Have you seen the film yet? Has it made you think? I just saw the film on Netflix and I came on here to just discover the kinds of discussions (and maybe even read and consider some of the abusive comments) regarding this topic. I don't know much about those doctors depicted in this documentary, let alone about Tiller. I have no proper information on it yet as I haven't looked it up. But regardless, I wanted to read opinions about it before I made up my mind, and sometimes there's informative and educated people to be found on


I still haven't seen it. Part of me is curious, but I just think I would be too disgusted.



I had my own opinions about abortion. Strong ones at that. This movie, though hard to shallow, I think gives viewers a pretty decent view on the minds of these doctors. It does not, at least to me, seem biased. The movie just wants you to think and consider and then make up your mind afterwards. And honestly, I mean, this topic isn't something MOST people would dwell on or even consider on most level. So why do some? This documentary uncovers some of the reasons - both on the doctors' and patients' side... and honestly it's tough and hard. I think I nearly shed tears when I saw how one of the couples got down to the decision of aborting their baby. It isn't an easy decision nor fair but given the situation I understood why they felt it necessary.

On my part, I would probably urge you to watch it. I know most people, including me, approach it pretty much biased but I understand the practice a bit better now. And why it's important to have a place legal for it to happen. Otherwise... there will still be desperate women who will find means and ways to get rid of their baby. Btw, the reasons vary.. some of them aren't even malicious intents towards the unborn child.


Good for you. Never try to see the other side. You'll be a bigger, healthier, smarter person for it. Keep on judging and being hypocritical.


You haven't seen it yet feel able to judge it. Odd.


Too bad your mother didn't abort you, if you ever have a child I hope it'll miscarry so to not spread your degenerate genes on this planet.


Hey- while we don't agree with this person, that's crossing a line.


Honestly, I don't understand why you would wish this onto somebody. Like, when I saw the documentary, one of the children whose father owns the building in which one of those clinics is set up, got abused in school, I just thought how this is even considered acceptable? The child is not at fault and yet it's a justified act because some people view his father is evil? Hypocritical beyond belief!

Like the other commentator. That's crossing the line. I would worry, personally if I were you, about your own kids considering you have that attitude....


"It will never be an easy decision, but it will also never be your decision unless it is your unborn child. You have no idea what decision you'll make when it's your choice. You can not comprehend the truth of this situation unless you've been in it. This is a brutally cruel world, and mothers make the best decisions they can for their children."

How about I give it a try. Let's apply your comment above to any "born" child who's murdered by their mother yet the poor woman has a difficult decision with it because hey, she's doing the best thing she thinks for him. If that's to extinguish his life and future, so be it. In other words, your argument is for the birds.


You're talking about isolated cases- usually in the face of mental illnesses on the part of the mother. Therefore- your argument is for the birds.


Thank you, tunaforbreakfast, thank you for expressing the agony of this dilemma so well.

I hope you'll also write a full review of the film, in addition to your very moving board message. Just ignore the fanatics and hypocrites who have never been faced with this terrible choice.


OP: What do you expect? The anti-abortion fanatics seek out any public forum addressing the issue to vent their spleen. It's their obsession and they don't want to hear any opinions or arguments that stray from the "baby killers!!!" p.o.v. There's no point trying to explain to them that these doctors only perform the late abortions when the life of the fetus or mother is at risk, or if the fetus has a condition that guarantees a life of pain and suffering. They don't want to know.


I can't thank you enough for posting your views in such a fair and balanced manner. I agree with every point, and would like to add that being pro-choice doesn't necessarily mean 'pro-abortion'; nothing in life is as black and white as some pro-life extremists try to make it out to be. Taking away a women's right to choose is endangering the lives of both the woman and the unborn fetus, sometimes in not so final away as a possible fatality or disability (although this is certainly true in many cases), but in the quality of life of the mother, and the child if it does indeed go to term due to a woman's imposed lack of choice. Would pro-life activists hold a protest against a person who refuses treatment for a serious, debilitating disease? (for example, some people choose death rather than undergo the physical and psychological trauma of chemotherapy). Yes, an unborn fetus does not have a voice and so cannot itself 'choose' not to be born, but neither can it 'choose' to be born into an environment where it cannot be looked after or will have a very low quality of life. I think these groups need to take a look at the state of poverty and hardship that so many children that began life as an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy live in today, and weigh that suffering against their simplistic views that abortion is 'wrong'.

You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


I agree wholeheartedly. Moral objections to abortions should be a personal choice, but shouldn't affect law or mandate in such a way as to remove the choices of others. If you push people into a moral corner in which they must comply with your ideas of 'religious law', I don't believe that serves any God or makes any one any holier or closer to that God. Not to mention- the same people who'd fight to remove the choice also fight against those that are suffering because they didn't make that choice. Those on welfare. On medicaid. Seeking out insurance through the Affordable Care Act. All of these are things fought against by the same political group. I cannot understand it. They expect our poverty stricken population to have the children, support them, and raise them not to be felons. All without help. But I'm getting a bit off topic...


That's not necessarily true. I happened to work for social services for 14 years, and I helped many people, but helping them take the life of a child was not one of my specialties. You have no idea what you are spouting off.



I'm discussing politics, dear. Apparently I shouldn't expect you to understand anything beyond your own experiences. Also, I have several friends CURRENTLY working in social services in halfway homes for children who would agree with me that the same political party that has dictated that these child must be born, has also burdened them with a life in the lower rungs of society which they will never be able to properly escape. Open your mind for a moment, or don't bother opening your mouth.


I know plenty about politics, honey. I'm not in a little box like you seem to be. I am a registered Independent.


It's fair and balanced? Please. You say that because you agree with the OP. The almost fully developed child you're talking about didn't think it was so fair while her body was being torn apart.



You're right. The child didn't. Because it couldn't. Also, considering you haven't watched the film- I feel I should point out to you now that he only preformed third trimester abortions in cases in which giving birth would severely maim or otherwise lead to the death of the mother or the child. Or in the case of malformed children.


I haven't watched it, and I admitted that. However, I've read about him plenty and he was human garbage. I just hope he begged for God's mercy as he was dying.



I haven't seen this documentary, I'm looking forward to it.
I'm from a third-world-country, where abortion is illegal, a woman who get an abortion will get prision time, and there's no "therapeutical abortion": if the mother's have to die, she will die. If a 12 year old girl is raped and get pregnant, no one here will help her. If a woman is pregnant of an anencephalic baby (a baby who does not have a brain, nor chances to live), she is forced to go through all the pregnancy, knowing her baby's not gonna survive.
This is an "anti-abortion" country. There's no "pro-life" in this. We are hoping our president Michelle Bachelet could change it at least to make possible abortion in cases of rape and/or a baby who's incompatible with life, or if the mother's life is in risk.

That been said, I don't understand why any women would wait until the third trimester to practice an abortion. It supossed to be made in the first trimester, isn't it?
Why to take such a huge risk?

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


I know this response is pretty delayed, and hopefully you've seen the movie by now and got a response to your question. I am just watching it right now and came to look at the comments here, and saw no one had responded to yours.

To answer your question, most (likely the majority, which is only 1% of all abortions) late-term abortions are done for medical reasons. The main reasons are either severe risk to the mother if she gives birth, or risk to the child. Many illness and deformities cannot be detected until later in pregnancy. The first two examples in this film are a baby whose joints are fused (meaning it cannot bend them; this child will never be able to walk, feed itself, sit down, etc), and the other is a fetus who did not develop half of it's brain. These are not easy decisions for women to make, and I know there are a number of these late-term abortion doctors who won't perform a late-term abortion on a healthy fetus.

Unfortunately, the anti-abortion camp in the US leaves this out of their arguments; they have no problem with our country becoming exactly what you just explained your country is. They don't care about the safety of the mothers, nor are they fighting for human rights for the sick and disabled children they claim to care about. Health care in our country is a joke, many low and middle income families don't have the medical care they need for extremely sick children, and severely disabled children are neglected and abused by the medical association. My aunt, who I cared for with my mother, was severely mentally retarded and disabled from birth. I can understand well why some women would not want to abort a child like her, even though I can't blame a woman who would want to. She couldn't talk, but she was a wonderful person and we gave her the best life that we could. By the end, we had to make the decision to take her off life-support, after years of fighting doctors who took one look at her and suggested we just stop feeding her because it wasn't worth her living. There were no pro-lifers outside her hospital door cheering on her life or fighting for her rights. The truth of the matter is, they can claim all the want to care about "children," but all they care about is taking away the rights and, possibly, lives of women. They don't care about creating a world where every child can grow into an adult where they are cared for. They are hypocrites.

Please don't listen to the propaganda that is teeming in this thread alone. Women who have third-term abortions aren't doing it because they feel like it; there is usually a severe medical reason, the baby is not viable, and it is a terrible and heart-wrenching decision. If you haven't watched this documentary yet, I really suggest you check it out. It's sad to think about the heartbreak the women go through, and the doctors are just as touched by it.


I understand your post, however, not all mothers make the best decisions for their child. I am speaking from direct, personal experiences. Some mothers, not the majority, but some mothers are selfish and self-absorbed, and some are cruel monsters. We need to stop idolizing mothers as all loving and caring and nuturing, becaue they are out there. Yes, I do have compassion for women and I understand how someone would want to abort, but again, there are horrible and cruel people out there that happen to be "mothers" who have no care but to protect their own image or live in fear as to what others might think of them were they to have a special needs child.


^ only point to this though... If they're indeed cruel monsters, lol, they definitely shouldn't be having kids! However, adoption is an option I know. Not trying to argue either way. It's not my place/purpose/point to be the one to judge.

oh and I agree with your point that mother does not equal "saint." Just because a human of the female sex became impregnated doesn't mean they are automatically a cut above the rest or some kind of loving, wonderful, sacrificial martyr.


Especially considering the fetuses were ill beyond medical viability. So many people are ignorant about abortion.
