MovieChat Forums > The Bridge (2013) Discussion > Why was The Bridge shut out of the Emmy ...

Why was The Bridge shut out of the Emmy Awards?

Just noticed that ...
Demian Bechir for sure should have been nominated as well as Ted Levine who never strikes a false note in this show


There is a lot of good debate in this thread. Some I agree with, some I don't, but a lot of it got me thinking about the nature of TV and the Emmy Awards.

The Emmy Awards started when there were only three networks, PBS, and some local channels. There has been very little change to the Emmys since, other than the addition of a few new categories.

Not only has television completely changed, it is still in an almost liquid form as it continues to rapidly evolve. The number of shows being aired on TV grows exponentially. The emmys needs to be radically overhauled in order to keep up. Some of the categories barely make sense any more and there are a number of categories that need to be invented. With the elimination of analogue distribution, the lines between what defines network TV and "cable" TV are ambiguous, and then there is premium-pay tv and original programming on streaming services.

It will be an interesting challenge to create an award system that enables television programming to receive the recognition it deserves without having an award show that runs for 4 days straight.

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


Because it does not portray Mexico in a positive light.

I am surprised the show has not been banned already.

If making guns illegal will keep them off the streets, then we should make drugs illegal too.


The first season was eligible for the Emmy this year. I think the second season is much better and deserves recognition although the question is: will the next year's Emmy remember the second season of The Bridge? Franka Potente at least deserves recognition.


Diane Kruger doesn't act in the current Hollywood fashion. To get around the dictates of the typical roles women play, cleverly, the writers gave her aspergers but she doesn't play bimbo, slut, cold career, mom, bad mom, tatoo, high schooler, or the drug addcit, you know, the sterotypes. Plus she looks real and can act, both unwanted in Hollywood. Great show


The Bridge is the best show on TV. I never watch the Emmys, and hearing that The Bridge wasn't nominated just further shows that I make the right decision.


The Emmys are silly awards. All they do is nominate every actor/actress from the same hyped 5-6 shows. There is a lot of great talent performing on TV at the moment, and its virtually impossible to earn a nomination unless you appear on one of the top 5 viewed shows.

That being said, I don't have a problem with Diane Kruger not getting nominated. Hard to nominate an actress when she has a German accent every other line.


probably because it is such a poor remake of the original. i mean it's all right, but doesn't hold a candle to the original


In my mind there are your's and many other reasons it should have been nominated for an emmy. Hollywood is a buisness and is only interested in $.. the people who vote, frequently have not seen what they are voting for. But as you prob have seen the people's choice awards are silly and have nothing to do with talent..mostly some silly cool factor and beauty. It is a shame that we buy into it so.but people like the glamour. And for the winners it is $,so they have an enoumous system of something similar to what politicians do. If you are known and on the minds of the votes, you might get a vote. Being deserving doesn't always count. But it does get it right enough to make it seem more legit. Ie..Jessica Lang...And then the same people and series get awarded over and over. I'll never get that, not when there are others who are as good. But I think some of the voters don't know. It is always the popular series that get awards. Occasionally you see something different. But?...Seems Crazy to me. I'd be interested if anyone knows more about the system...


it is crazy. Julianna Margolis may be a good actress, but she already has won once for Good Wife, and several nominations to boot. Alot of actors can ride on one win the rest of their lives.

There are other lead actresses/actors just as deserving of an Emmy but somehow get shutout.


She is on a popular network! Series, that makes $$$, and they do alot of politicing to get voters to notice her! It is a good series and so is she,.but I know what you are saying.


The reason, IMO, is very, very political, and way too close for comfort. The corruption and militarization of law enforcement to the degree that it's out of hand...against their very citizens they are supposed to protect; 2 nation's governments looking the other way while in collusion with the cartels, the tragedy of the dissapeared for families who to this day get no support or answers.
It was every bit as good (better, for dealing with real issues that affect real people) as any other crime/detective series.
The 2nd season seemed to have lost it's focus (on the above). It made me wonder if they were told to back off the issue.
When they began the series, they more or less came together to investigate the "dissapeared," and that had a lot of heart to it, and was the A story, of major importance that everything else, the B stories, flowed from and supported.
Losing that guiding focus, it weakened season 2. I think they would have gotten back on track if given a chance.
The cinematography, atmosphere conveyed, and music was amazing. I loved the collaboration between the main characters, bringing out the richness of the 2 cultures.
