MovieChat Forums > Trophy Wife (2013) Discussion > Bert is the BEST character on this show!...

Bert is the BEST character on this show!!

Love that kid!! I'll watch every week just for him.


I think out of the kid characters he is the best one.


He's awesome! And it's pretty hard to have kids that age be so funny without being totally fake but he pulls it off perfectly.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Originally I found him to be annoying, but his unbridled enthusiasm and naiveté has grown on me.

His performance with the "Bert-Day" dancers was hilarious.


I was surprised to have read in a recent interview that they didn't plan on having Bert be adopted by Albert blew them away at the audition!


Tonight's episode when he threw his hat on the ground was priceless ..
"Adorable" lol


Yep, his Bert-day performance was awesome! And it makes perfect sense to me that Jackie and his dad would adopt, I'm so glad they went that way. And his round little face is so fantastic. No matter how this show does, this kid has a long acting career ahead of him.
